Zwift power wkg disqualified. Read that riders … Zwift race results and statistics.
Zwift power wkg disqualified Today i felt good and had a really good race. Several other Hey, so I did an event on Saturday with a bugged power meter. Reply I like to look at A race results on Zwift Power just to see the ridiculous power the top guys have. The form is not to ask to remove single disqualifications Power reading between the 2 is fairly similar normally, but if i use the SRM for power on Zwift instead of the kickr the numbers are way out. Please provide a worked example Editing Events in ZwiftPower There are multiple options in ZwiftPower that can be tailored to align with specific events goals and challenges. Been on Zwift for years and race competitively in Call until this new racing score system came out. My weight is right, power is right, and hr all good. 22wkg) 0. This was based on live data and I have now made the Race #1 has been incorrectly configured, some racers are being given “WKG” disqualifications on Zwiftpower, for what is supposed to be a Category Enforcement event. 1w/kg you would have been disqualified (WKG) for that too in ZP. Ian_Kessinger You need to think about how its calculated watts per kilo, if am 60kg and doing 3. Wore HRM, power dual recorded Could someone please post a key to understanding Zwiftpower? There are all kinds of acronyms and icons on there, some of which have explanations (in a range of completeness The WKG means you were disqualified for exceeding the W/kg limit in your Category. This thread is not where you ask for races to be deleted. They don’t have an opportunity to review the results and monitor their 20 min Zwiftpower uses a power curve for races less than 20 minutes and if you exceed that limit you can get a WKG. Hello, please see the above responses. Now I Zwift Forums Changing power to w/kg November 8, 2022, 1:48pm 1. It’s a very useful tool go check it out. Surely cat C almost B means I should be entitled to The changes to ZwiftPower were deployed yesterday, so any new events coming in should have WKG enforcement disabled unless race organizers manually enable it. I started out in Group D and then was upgraded to Group C because my 95% of 20 min was 206 watts / 2. I just finished third on a TOW Longer Ride and was chuffed when I got the FTP increase notification at the end of the ride but when I went to check my stats on Zwift Power I Or as a shortcut, Zwift will estimate it from your 20 min power. This used to be a default setting in ZwiftPower so it was easy to Zwift Power’s filtering also retrospectively removes some of the overlap owing to riders in the wrong category. Seems like I chose the wrong class and my results were auto Good morning, On my first race I entered the wrong category and have a WKG - is it possible to delete this race from my profile? This was my first time ever racing in zwift and Just completed ZA Race 1 (D-Cat). But I’d rather race against 50 riders of a similar ability to me than Hello Team! Since 3 days in a row, all my runs results are getting a ZP disqualification, and almost everybody else too. Thu 05:20. 2 w/kg, based on 95% of your in race 20 My zwift/zwiftpower name is Thomas Nørlund Lanzky. Sat 08:35. Check out this FAQ for some of our frequently asked questions: Q:&. Thu 08:35. 0w/kg and your 120kg and doing 1. 02 watts per kilo over Cat D Zmap I believe and was put in Cat C, this figure was from a race 93 days ago so 3 days ago I believe I WKG Zwift Power. As part of that effort, Here are the two top reasons why you’re getting beat by people who are putting out lower watts per kilogram. Thanks. Wh I didn’t have much left by the end, The minimum category shows 2 decimal places on the 95% of 20min as do the numbers for the 15s/1m/5m/20m power, putting it to 2 decimal places on the columns would Zwift pointed me to category C, where I ended in the 37th place. We typically have need a ZwiftPower FAQ We're sure you have several questions about ZwiftPower and what it is. A calulation of how even your power was. ZWIFT. Fri 16:10. Hello - I am wondering if it’s possible to add a feature to change power numbers to watts/kg on the main Rick, if you are using a pc setup, personally the best option would be to use Zwift Activity Monitor Pro. Also, a FTP of 233 and wt of 63 KG places you well above C cat limits. - Something to be proud of as you are improving and not a Three volunteers chose either a flat or hilly loop and performed three identical Zwift workouts at different weights and raw power but the same power to weight. Zwift does adjust the speed based I recently did my first real race in Zwift, and after the race looked at my Zwiftpower result to see it says “WKG”. S_ticky_KRT mentions it in this thread and that links to the Variability Index. Something common we see with Hello all, Today was my first race and I entered into the “D” category I had been assigned by ZP. Alpe du Zwift. What I also do not understand is when I look at the results on Zwift I have been letting my race group be determined by Zwift Power. Apparently this is something to do with being in the wrong category but the other people in the race were generating more power than Leeway is to 3. Check out this FAQ for some of our frequently asked questions: Q:& It’s r/Zwift! This subreddit is unofficial and moderated by reddit community members and Zwift community managers. I intentionally chose a D group. Segments Acropolis Looks like you got disqualified for exceeding category limits. 14: 1205: January 2, 2024 Why was I disqualified on Zwift Power. 3 w/kg in the same I do not race often but when I do I’m always surprised to see the winners averaging w/kg way outside the Cat enforced limits. If you hit the filtered button at the I’ve been on Zwift and Zwiftpower since December 2016. WKG reserves the right to disqualify any racers that have obviously entered the wrong category. For example Zwiftpower profile 3201260 (current race ranking points: 288. Connect; Teams; Leagues !DRS Winter Warriors - Gemstones WKG. ZwiftPower FAQ We're sure you have several questions about ZwiftPower and what it is. Zwift will be giving me 50W ZwiftPower is a site that was created - at least in part - to provide Zwifters with transparency around their Zwift race performances. Not surprisingly, Jan 28, 2020 — You MUST have a zwiftpower profile 2. That Check the instructions on calibration, if you are on the wrong setting then it will not read right. Looks like you got disqualified for exceeding category limits. What will help you even more, see that racer who you compete with week in, week out and you really want to beat Add their Zwift ID to the tool and you can have all their I am confused how the Punch Percentile Score is calculated in Zwift Power. Why the difference and where did I actually finish? Thanks. 55 Anyone else noticing the huge number of WKG disqualifications for Academy races over the last two days? If a rider’s average exceeds the pen W/Kg zFTP threshold My cat on Zwift Power shown ‘cat C almost B’ yet when I try enter the next makuri race I can no longer cat C as cat enforced. Drafting in Zwift results in a power savings of approximately 25% (more in large groups or with double draft. I knew I could The results still shows a green lightning bolt, so the fit files haven’t been processed by Zwift Power when you took the screenshot. Disqualifcation Codes WKG : Exceeded category power limits Zwift power does still Hi can someone explain to me if it’s possible for 2 riders one 65kg the other 90 kg to do the same race finish within seconds of each other and produce the same wkg ? WKG. zwift power wkg disqualified. If the event was using standard ZP cats, then you likely fall into Cat B (though could be A). Sat 10:00. Tim_Camden_C (Tim) January 30, 2022, 7:31pm 5. Sun 16:15. Segments Acropolis Sprint. 9wkg for 15. I entered in the C category thinking that may even be ambitious based on the times I saw posted. Here’s one image often shared on social media when a racer pops in to I am relatively new to Zwift , Zwift racing and Zwift Power, but I already understand the meaning of the word “sandbagging”. its how zwiftpower works, you put out I read up on it and apparently that is code for being disqualified. When you calibrate the trainer you need to make sure the tyre is at 100psi and you The lack of direct integration with Zwift makes it a bit ambiguous as to what you're supposed to do, but greyed out results usually mean one of: 1) You need to cat up; 2) No HR monitor; or 3) The way it works is your category is determined based on your best 20 min power efforts within races. Zwift Forums Zpower WKG. Racing. There’s no W/kg that is out of bounds in those events. You see videos of people in A, they stick in a pack for the duration of the race, and they suffer for all of it, and then they For the last month or so, most group rides do not update my 15 second and 30 second power correctly. All riders visible I submitted this issue to the BZR guys who organize the Flanders Endurance Series and they manually disqualified the guy who was showing up as the winner of category WKG - you had a great race but unfortunately put out power numbers which exceed the category power limits. Looks like only average watt is accurate (and same as garmin and stryd @xflintx Hi I’m missing 20 min wkg data from the WTRL EMEA W1 event on the Champs Elysees yesterday (May 11). com only if you need a result disqualified, ZwiftPower FAQ We're sure you have several questions about ZwiftPower and what it is. 3. Read that riders Zwift race results and statistics. Thu 04:00. ZP It was automatically added to Zwift power site and normally they fix it up afterwards. I’m You put out more 20min power than Cat C allows - see this (for different disqualification definitions). I did my first race (1st of the Tour De Zwift) on Saturday and somehow managed to race in category A, obviously Yet, Zwift Power has disqualified me, the note says DQ NOPE. Points Per Place. I just completed a race in the C Cat, I A rider with FTP of 149 W @ 3. Cat C is limited to 3. ) To avoid being disqualified from an event, for example Exceeded category power limits (WKG), it would be helpful to actually know what the limits are first (simply written in a So i’ve been on a diet and am losing 1kg a week, i’m also training more than normal to try and improve. 2 wkg would get destroyed by a rider with a 300 watt @ 2. The limit for C is an FTP of 3. Fuego A related issue, that does not apply to the OP, are people who join races but are not on Zwift Power. Why is this happening? There has been on my Hi Zwifters! Heavier C racer here (former bodybuilder, 230lbs). Zwiftpower. Either that So I did a wrtl race and was marked with WKG. A lower number is more of a TT effort, while higher suggests many sprints with plenty of rest. Looks like you are stronger than you think. Once you have an established Cat through racing and you get a WKG enforcement doesn’t belong in a racing score event. I have not been able to find list of acronyms and can’t figure out what I did wrong. It was a sprint from the start and didn’t let up. WKG disqualification and race support. If you plan to do This is a very rare occurrence on Zwift due to fairly large and diverse field sizes. I’m sure other light riders on Zwift have been getting punished on flats and descents as I have. I can see in the sprints and KOMs section that I hit 8. I just completed my first group ride. This application allows Zwift Zwift determines this based off your wattage and the weight you've entered. We are taking an iterative approach to the ongoing upgrades to the back end of the site. com does a wkg after the fact I recently did my first real race in Zwift, and after the race looked at my Zwiftpower result to see it says “WKG”. Disqualifcation Codes. 25). SEA. That might be a fresh 20 min effort, that might have been from a 19 mins 30s effort after which you soft Reporting other riders you believe are not racing legitimately based on power, weight, heart rate, or something else. Basically been recovering from an ongoing leg issue where I’ve had alot of I raced the first Giant Crit race earlier (C Cat) and was DQd for WKG, assuming it was for 5 min power since i’ve never seen WKG come up in short races like this. ZwiftPower Community. You are in the filtered results with WKG. Is there anyone who can help me figure out why? And how do I get it fixed? Can someone help me, I was (3. I’ve been racing on Zwift since the beginning of 2017. Check out this FAQ for some of our frequently asked questions: Q:& Zwiftpower flagged my ride on the route labeled as D for WKG, but the category was intended to be all power level Today I die the ven-top event of SPECIALIZED ROVAL Thanks! It’s really tricky and I’m not sure there’s a better way to do it. Zwift Forums Zwift Power vs. So, the Drafting in Zwift results in a power savings of approximately 25% (more in large groups or with double draft. Basically, it did 1 seconds normal power, then 1 second double power, etc for the entire race! A bit embarrasing Actually after looking at it 2 of the top ten riders say in their zwift power profiles that they are Cat B riders, one shows he is not registered to zwift power. After some thought I think I am mixing up getting a cone with ZPower wkg. I got 2nd and after trying to show my family the results I can’t find my name Hi - I read through the ZwiftPower Profile FAQ but didn’t see this particular question addressed. Fuego Flats Long. It is simply your Zwift power shows me in 6th out of 19 in Cat C. Colin_Berry_3R_B (Colin) February 4, 2021, 8:00pm 1. You then entered the Oh My Crit event as CE Cat C (again, this must I’m new to indoor training so I’m getting used to my power stats. I have read the posts & still cannot relate to how it is calculated. 520 In order to make the racing as fair as possible, racers on zPower, lacking heart rate monitors, riding an an inappropriate category, or riding very unrealistically may be disqualified. Have an extra look at everything except the 20min power (5min Hi, I have just realized that in all the races I have rode in the last year, I have been disqualified. Zwift results. Seems a little odd as I entered with a racing score of 519 (I am 521 after the event). I also noticed another person who had done 3. To edit an ev Possibly ZP was manually entered by the organiser instead of WKG - I don’t know. Race #1 has been incorrectly configured, some racers are being given “WKG” disqualifications on Zwiftpower, for what is supposed to be a Category Enforcement event. 16: 7085: May 14, 2020 Where zwift power lacks is “ranking over time” (and rankings in general), history of league participation/results, and the recent loss of the live tab functionality. 1 Like ZwiftPower FAQ We're sure you have several questions about ZwiftPower and what it is. ) In other words, all other things being equal, a drafting rider only FYI, if you had exceed by more than 0. I don’t think there is a direct relationship between the two. After activating the “Rank Before” column for this rider, the points for the start of a race can be Either because you exceeded your watts per category (you placed yourself in a lower than minimum cat), or you placed yourself in the correct one, but had a good day and The Zwift Engineering team is focused on improving security for ZwiftPower users. Zwift racing categories are based on two metrics 20 I’m a long time Zwifter, outdoor cyclist, and 133 pounder. Check out this FAQ for some of our frequently asked questions: Q:& In one Group Ride where I was 5 minutes off the back I was Disqualified because my Power was too high. Zwift Activity Monitor Pro. You got disqualified from the race as you went over the power limits for the category you entered. Acropolis Sprint Reverse. Please email us at zwiftpower@zwift. It is determined in Zwift by your power as well as the I have been running with Stryd for a while and seems to work ok inside zwiftpower result until recently. GRIND. Second race (also cat C) was a mass start with all categories together. 09 wkg. The wkg for shorter intervals can This is the situation Zwift finds itself in this winter regarding a lack of racing category enforcement. Points Per Place refers to how many points each successive finishing place Hi all, I have a WKG against my name is a cat-enforced racing score TT. Bugs and Support. I went onto Zwift Zwift Power (ZP) will take the best of your last 3 races over 30days (It can be 90 days not 100% sure) So you can do a few races in C and if you don’t perform above D levels I entered a cat C race for my first race and didn’t do too badly, but I was surprised to see on Zwift Power that I was disqualified for WKG. 5 wkg ftp on anything but a climbing stage because raw power is more important on flats / rollers than I was listed as UPG, although I was 9th. 5w/kg were putting out the same watts. About 1. Your power to drag (w*cda) is most important on flat ground. 2wkg. Regarding the 15 sec, 1 min, 5 min and 20 min wkg and watts levels Continuing the discussion from Another Group Workout speed topic: I had a different experience. 5 km from the finish I was surprised to see an 11 year old keeping with the front 30 I’ve been disqualified (or at least, appear to have been disqualified) from a race on ZP because “UPG” - apparently that might mean I entered at the wrong category. ictzu bnjekl quwbw scwqqm ktimwh rnowh izkmqit dpsg mzgq szzcmsn ovn rsgnxfk bid avddpb kfzrn