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Megasquirt injector output. Megasquirt-2 Product Range MS2/Extra 3.

Megasquirt injector output Wire to pin 8 for 1G and 2G MS3X connector: pins 2, 3, 8, 12, 17 Wire with your grounds from the mainboard pin 4 Injector F output (cyl 6) Wire to pin 16 for 1G and 2G pin 6 Boost control Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. The ignition side is fine and the engine will run on ether 3. Typically when a pair of injector outputs are used, I connect each bank to an output, so in your case 1,3,5 would be connected to one output, 2,4,6 would be connected to the other, on an inline I typically Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro Coolant output channel > 190. Dealer Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. resistors of a similar resistance to your stock injectors. If your laptop does not have the matching plug Any unused injector outputs can be used as high current digital or PWM outputs; Up to 8 sequential logic level ignition outputs; The MS3-Pro ECU is manufactured in the USA and distributed by AMPEFI. This ms2 card can be modified for a third For an 8cyl example you might choose to run two banks of 4 injectors each. 0 is an ECU based on Megasquirt-3 technology, consisting internally of an MS3 card and an MS3X expansion card installed on a through-hole DIY V3. Try the following alternative instead. The amount of time required to open and close The most likely culprit is Q3 or D6 for injector 1, or Q11 or D20 for injector 2. Since you only have 2 injector outputs I would wire them injector A 123 and injector B 456. At each injection event, full power is applied to the injector until it opens, then the output drops back MS3(base)/V3. This version of the documentation applies to the Megasquirt-2 range of products which includes: • MS2 using the V3. We now have complete, ready to run MegaSquirt-III ECUs. A number of the sensor readings are Number of Injectors (NoInj) is the total number of injectors MegaSquirt Spark Output (spkout_hi_lo) 0 equals spark when low (ground). If either one shorts to ground, it will hold the injector output open. (left the car and mega squirt in the on position for 5 or so MegaSquirt ; Injectors not firing Injectors not firing. Then check with Oscilloscope for pulse outputs on the injector lines from The Megasquirt must receive its tach input from a crank or distributor pickup. This is the present top of the range ECU in the 'traditional' Megasquirt range. Each can drive a high impedance injector, unused injection outputs can be re-purposed. Number of Injectors is the total number of injectors MegaSquirt is controlling, whether port or throttle body injection. 2 milliseconds longer than they should. Not used with the MS3X expansion card. Works The MegaSquirt-III is a drop in daughter card that greatly expands the MegaSquirt's functionality. Firing order is 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8 What my injection goal is: I want to fire injectors 1&2 (the "front" two TB injectors) simultaneously, and then 3&4 (the rear two) simultaneously 180 crank degrees later. when i run my megasquirt ecu with the jimstim the leds for the injectors works normaly. To check that the filters weren't restricting flow, I used the Megasquirt test mode and set up a test to open the injectors 100% and run for 10 seconds, I just tested 1 of the 4 injectors a couple of times in this setup. 57 mainboard. MS3 1. Everyone keeps saying I can only do batch fire injection, but the Microsquirt looks to have 2 injector outputs. Set the Spark Output to Going High (Inverted) Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. x Dated: 2014-08-30 This version of the documentation applies to: • MS2 on a V3. MegaSquirt PNP Gen2 Manual. A variable resistance TPS helps but is not absolutely necessary. MS3Pro can control these with a PWM or high current The NAND gate in the MegaSquirt-II setup gives the best of both worlds. 0. This The MegaSquirt 3 with MS3X expansion arrives equipped with features surpassing MS2 & MS1 systems, like sequential fuel & spark, 2 step, progressive nitrous, boost control, onboard traction control & much more! 8 Sequential fuel injection outputs. This Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. We Megasquirt-3 with MS3X. The squirt light is lighting Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. the fuel pump switches on/off correctly in Output Test Mode Inj/spark (and switches +12v to coils correctly) and the ground connections to the coils are Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. I didnt think MS would handle 10amps on the injector output. Note that this is the main documentation that is applicable to all MSPNP2 Platform ECUs. But you mentioned V8. First, the MS1 can't be modified to allow a third injection channel. Once they are open, they flow at a constant rate until closing. com using licensed Megasquirt-3 technology. On a 3. I don't know anything else Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. Dated: 2018-07-06 . This can run sequential injection on a 4 cylinder, or semi-sequential on a My Megasquirt DIYPNP adventure with my 1997 NA MX5 Mazda Miata. Then 1&2 again 180 deg later, and so on. With few exceptions, MegaSquirt EMS is legal for use on off road or Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro no ignition coil signals or injector driver signals. 3. Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro in injector test mode i can get the coils to fire but not the injectors. fed from the fuel pump relay. Injector 1 output is on all the time. The PWM mode is effectively "peak and hold" controlled by software. You’ll run 12v to one side of all eight injectors that are hot in the ‘crank’ and ‘run’ positions. 0 and allows direct connection of low-z injectors. A Wide Band O2 and controller is vital for self The MS3X/V3. 0 specific installation details and should be used in conjunction with the general Megasquirt-3 Setting up and Megasquirt-3 TunerStudio reference Sequential Injection and MegaSquirt with under and over rev-limit protection, 'paddle' shift buttons, and full data logging of all inputs and outputs (among many other abilities). See the Introduction for many more of MShift™'s functions. I am running a toyota 2e-e and want to run full sequential injection. Will MS3 run semi-sequential with only 2 injector outputs connected to 4 injectors, or 3 to 6 or 4 to 8 , 5 to 10 or 6 to 12? If so, how to enter the correct settings? Top. Injector PWM is built into the MS3/V3. Skip to content. x In many cases, the stock computer will continue to be dumb enough to never notice you cut it’s injector and ignition outputs. If you’re running an engine with true dual exhausts, you could use a single wideband sensor for both banks. Connect that to the injector driver outputs in turn on the Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. Output "INJ2" - 4W - Cylinder 3 Injector Setting the main fuel outputs to "MS3X fuel" tells the ECU to use sequential outputs INJECTOR A - H, we set sequential to "Fully sequential" and tell the ECU that the injection angle (set elsewhere) is the end of the injection cycle. With the version 2. 4. None of my injector outputs to include the i/j that turn on a small fan and water pump aren’t working at all under the test portion. 0 specific installation details and should be used in conjunction with the general Setting up and TunerStudio reference manuals. Can I make it sequential because I will only have 1 injector per output? 2. 57 is an ECU based on Megasquirt-3 technology, consisting internally of an MS3 card and an MS3X expansion card installed on a surface mount V3. Cars ran untimed fuel for years from the The Megasquirt V3. 0 or 3. looking for any advice, Thank you! I'm working on putting together a Megasquirt 2 v3. Allows repurposing injector or ignition outputs as general purpose outputs, or high current outputs as injector drivers for 12 The MegaSquirt 1 and 2 ECUs seem to have only four injector output pins (or terminals on the relay board) but they are labeled as pairs so this is even more confusing, do I have two or four injector outputs? And how does either two or four outputs allow me to run 6, 8, or 12 injectors? Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. . I have setup another of these engines using MS with 3 ignition outputs and 3 Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. Would it be possible to provide the pre-output of MS phantom injector pulse-width as one input to the boost control table (the other being rpm)? This is the index to the manual pages for Megasquirt-1. This is the basic, batch fire version, but can be expanded to add sequential injection and 8 channel ignition control with an MS3X board. So, an injector can be plumbed up on a test stand with test Injector PWM is built into the MS3/V3. 5 Outputs. But I few I'd probably use a relay for the pump and use the INJ output for the valve. Sequential fueling is really just for improved idle quality and emissions. It doesn’t like its sensor inputs cut, but it’s outputs it’s not so picky about. We have those available as well for a few bucks. I have seen quite a few people modify their microsquirt to get 4 ignition outputs (Aled and Wled), and was wondering if the same if possible for injector outputs. But basically the associated injector output is run from the ECU to an MS3474 bulkhead connector then to a Deutsch DTM connector and then into the injector pin#1 (EV14 style). Yes, you can wire each injector output to each injector and choose any firing scheme you want, from batch (all at the same time), bank to bank (half and then the other half), semi-sequential (fired in pairs i have a new problem with my megasquirt, while i use the output test to test my coils this works perfect, when i use the test mode for testing my injectors they dont work . 4 Idle valve. I'm working through testing a newly assembled (by me) MSII V3. 1 Fuel Injector outputs; 3. While the INJ output can drive 10A, using the relay will probably be simpler for your pump wiring. 3 and higher code allows for 4 channel sequential injection with a DIYPNP. when you first turn the ignition on the ms powers up and the injectors do a pulse (spray a pulse of fuel) but when cranking i have nothing the spark is great (strong) but nothing from the injectors tried other sets of injectors and still nothing Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. Typically when a pair of injector outputs are used, I connect each bank to an output, so in your case 1,3,5 would be connected to one output, 2,4,6 would be connected to Injectors are driven by an electrical signal from MegaSquirt ® that grounds the +12 volt supply through the injectors to open them. x On a standard MS the Injectors are batch fired by 2 output channels. Only other thing you might need is a tuning cable. Onboard MAP sensor for NA or boosted engines up to 21psi! (Upgradeable to 44psi) Speed density or Alpha-N. 3. I havn't used the knock input as a safety yet. Check injector impedance before moving forward. When you change the injector size, MegaSquirt can handle most of the adjustments with just one variable, Required Fuel (aka REQ_Fuel), which sets 4-channel board for logic level ignition outputs and injector outputs. 3 revision main board. one pin of injector connector is constant 12v so in fact I'm getting different resistance from ecu . the other pin signal from the MS3x as looking again at the wiring list in the hardware guide for MS3x pg 20 it's saying injectors signals wires are outputs. 57 main board there are flyback and current limiting circuits in conjunction with the output channels. I installed all the components for the flyback, although my injectors are high impedance. I have tested all injectors on the outputs that are working. I wont bore you with the details, but I dont have any injector output from the MS. (Aled and Wled), and was wondering if the same if possible for injector outputs. 1 Megasquirt-3 with MS3X. ** Click here for the main manual index ** If you live or intend to operate your engine in an area that has specific pollution regulations, but sure to check the laws that apply in your locality to determine if using a MegaSquirt ® or MicroSquirt ® controller is legal for your application. There are two fuel injector outputs so the system is batch-fired which is perfect for many applications where sequential fuel is not Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. Hardware manual covering Adding a second wideband o2 sensor to the MegaSquirt-II. I wonder - is it possible to connect INJ A, C, E etc on a 4 cyl, the same for spark, enter 8 cyl in the software and get the Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro Injector and coil and IAC valve should also take power from fuel pump output relay. 0 Hardware Guide Megasquirt-3 Product Range MS3 1. The Power is run into Number of Injectors (NoInj) is the total number of injectors MegaSquirt Spark Output (spkout_hi_lo) 0 equals spark when low (ground). Output "INJ1" - 4U - Cylinder 1 Injector. Typically, for six injectors, you will divide the injectors over both outputs. The most likely culprit is Q3 or D6 for injector 1, or Q11 or D20 for injector 2. This is the latest top of the range MegaSquirt ECU – the MegaSquirt 3 (MS3)! MS3 incorporates 8 fuel+2 Aux and 8 logic-level spark ignition outputs, offering full sequential fuel and spark for hi-z injectors and logic level coil-on-plug coils (or high-current coils with suitable external ignition module. Wire your tachometer's trigger wire to this pin. Settings . 0 Hardware Manual Megasquirt-2 Product Range MS2/Extra 3. The actual fuel injector pulse is controlled by a timer channel in output compare mode, yielding a 1 microsecond pulse width resolution and a 65 millisecond Features / Benefits of all MegaSquirt EFI Systems. 0 to run a Slant 6 in my brothers 1971 dodge dart! The plan is to run a crank sensor with 36-1 trigger wheel, and Mainboard injector outputs. Grouping injectors together is called “batch firing”. Top. Thank you Eric. The following shows a typical EFI fuel system. It is here that I have come to a sticking point on the injector outputs conflicting Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. 2 Full sequential Injection & Spark. (running two injectors at the same time), so two injectors were connected to one driver, as follow: (from 96-97 instructions) You can see that INJ1 shoot 4U and 4W and INJ2 shoot 4V and 4X. This is the present top of the range ECU in the ‘traditional’ Megasquirt range. Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro The injectors aren’t firing. squirel6025 Helpful MS/Extra'er MegaSquirt is a general-purpose aftermarket electronic fuel injection (EFI) programmable outputs, water injection and more to MegaSquirt. g. Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. In MS1, you had to set all your outputs you were using and if you did it wrong Boost controller output might do it, but not enough resolution in open loop with 6x6 table. Or since the Megasquirt has two independent injector outputs, you could modify the ECU so it reads a separate O2 sensor for each bank and correct for the two banks separately. Timing pickup. Very useful high current (14A each) PWM outputs though pin 37 Fuel pump relay ground. It turns on the pump immediately when the power is Note that you must have the same sensor type for both O2 sensors, and to take full advantage of this, you must have each bank on a separate injector output. If battery voltage gets applied to an injector output directly, it will burn the output. Is it advisable/possible to do sequential spark, and only 2 injector outputs on a 6 cylinder? High impedance injectors to keep things simple. However, what I read on the Generic External Wiring diagram, the Injector/coil/IAC are taking power from a ignition controlled Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. Introduction; Specific The MicroSquirt is based on the MegaSquirt-2 controller so it uses either the B&G and MS2-Extra firmware. 5. Reply to this topic; Put 15 ohm loads on each injector output and I think the other side of the resistor goes to +14 volts supply. If you have any questions about the capabilities of the MegaSquirt lineup, need tech support on this forum, etc, post them up and I (and the other members of the DIYAutoTune. If I want to use "output 1 " which pin do I connect to? the MSPNP manual shows the pinout diagram for Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. My thoughts run towards injector drivers on the board as i suppose I could've burnt them out. When using the MSD digital 6 box in particular, some have experienced problems with the above layout as the ignition transistor Q16, does not give a true ground output. Up to six injectors are allowed per channel. Some prudent warnings and tips here though: Do NOT do this immediately after testing injectors, as you may have a cylinder full of fuel, ready to go FWOOOMP Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. 0 mainboard as shown above running firmware MS2/Extra 3. Each output is capable of driving up to six high impedance injectors each. ) I have 4 injectors that came as part of my Holley EFI "4-barrel" TBI unit. The MegaSquirt 3 with MS3X expansion arrives equipped with features surpassing MS2 & MS1 systems, like sequential fuel & spark, 2 step, progressive nitrous, boost control, onboard traction control & much more! Each can drive a high impedance injector, unused injection outputs can be re-purposed. It's usually possible to get around that limitation and still use low-impedance injectors by It includes four Peak and Hold fuel injector drivers allowing for use of high-impedance (hi-z) or low-impedance (low-z) injectors. The MegaSquirt Output Test Mode is a powerful tool for diagnosing EFI issues, enabling manual toggling of inputs and outputs to test components like coils and injectors. 2. What you can do is buy an ms2 card and replace the MS1 chip. aswell as receiving spark output. The MS2/Extra 3. Megasquirt-2 Product Range MS2/Extra 3. It’s so discouraging when the solution isn took the injectors out the engine still connected to the rail to see what they were doing. Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro A while back I had posted about my unfortunate run in with a shorted MS3X injector mosfet that loved the smell of burning E85 so much that it refused to turn off anymore during a run and the resulting engine • Outputs mode - You can either use two sets of injectors wired to the same outputs and a relay to switch between them, or a second set of outputs for the secondary fuel injectors. 0 mainboard without MS3X as shown above running firmware MS3 1. It has 8 fuel and 8 logic spark outputs offering full sequential fuel and spark for hi-z injectors and logic level coil-on-plug coils (or Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro I was using a running megasquirt and tapped into the injector output. It has 8 fuel and 8 logic spark outputs offering full sequential fuel and spark for hi-z injectors and logic level coil-on-plug coils (or high-current The MS3X/V3. Gray connector pin: Injector letter: You will need to rewire the fuel pump relay coil so it connects to a switched 12V source and the MegaSquirt fuel pump output pin. Note that the code assumes that the same switch triggers the relay and the input pin - the MS3-Pro does not trigger the relay. 0 to run a Slant 6 in my brothers 1971 dodge dart! The plan is to run a crank sensor with 36-1 trigger wheel, and Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. The MS3X Xpander board is sold separately and allows you to fully take advantage of the MegaSquirt-3, including 8cyl sequential injection, 8 ignition outputs allowing 8cyl coil on plug, nitrous control, and more. 8 Sequential fuel injection outputs. jsmcortina Site Admin For the injector outputs, use the following pins. By PITA_Z June 6, 2011 in MegaSquirt. 57 specific installation details and should be used in conjunction with the general Megasquirt-3 Setting up and Megasquirt-3 TunerStudio reference For my low impedence injectors, I added the stock resistor box and the plan is to ground the signal through megasquirt injector bank 1, plan is bank fire There's only one way to do the outputs for spark, so I guess they got rid of those config options with MS2. MS2 install on a turbo rotary engine and am yet unable to start. 0 threshold, 15 hysteresis 1993 Toyota P/U 22RE V3. 0 mainboard. This manual covers MS3X/V3. Injector 2 output will pulse. Production MegaSquirt-II's do not have a transistor for ignition control on the daughter card. Hardware modifications are required to run ignition and the learning curve is steeper than a fuel-only implementation, but many hundreds of users use the "MS1/Extra" firmware. 5) Test Coils, including phasing for distributor-based setups. x. 3 Fuel pump output; 3. Compatible with output from narrowband sensors and wideband O2 systems. Log data on your laptop for later analysis. Share More sharing options Followers 0. 0 board and I'm stuck on the injector outputs. For models with the v1. Spark Output is much the same (triggering on different edges gives different timing), you are telling your MegaSquirt® controller which edge of the output wave to send as the spark timing. 2 Release Reference manual for using TunerStudio with your Megasquirt-2 ECU. x Dated: 2018-07-08 MS2/Extra Firmware Version: 3. 0 MS2 is an engine control unit (ECU) based on Megasquirt-2 technology, consisting internally of an MS2 card installed on a through-hole DIY V3. Cooling fans: These cars generally had two cooling fan control outputs. 1 to 0. 0 or V3. the main symptom was mildly annoying - you would have the injector outputs stay open about 0. Hello Everyone, This is my first time building a V3 and I am getting no injector output. 8 Logic level 5 volt ignition outputs. but the lettered injector outputs generally refer to outputs from the MS3X board; the numbered ones (1 and 2) are the "standard" one on the mainboard. setup: megasquirt 2 extra code: 3. 2, here’s what the parts are called Injector test mode sets up a specific injector pulse width, duty cycle, and an adjustable commanded number of pulses. Page 218: Pressure Adjustment Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. If the output goes off, it’s the flyback circuit. The toyota 2e-e has 2(3 actualy but only 2 are used for ms Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. 0 MS2/Extra 3. I did this by making the "pulse width" (25ms) a larger number than the "output interval" (20ms). Injector D Output; The 9 pin connector is a serial port for connecting the MSPNP2 to your laptop with the provided tuning cable. When using the INJ outputs, the +12V side of the load must be turned off when the Megasquirt is off - e. The manual covers MS2/V3. I'd also like to try closed loop. Each can Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. If you have a V2. com crew) will be glad to help out. 1 On/Off Idle Valve; Megasquirt-3 Product Range. Any help would be appreciated. But sometimes it would shut down the injector drivers completely. If the output is still stuck on, it’s the transistor. A high pressure pump is connected to the fuel tank and feeds fuel to the fuel rails(s) these provide fuel directly to the top of the injectors. and use the batch fire output to control a solid state relay for the secondary's power only and use the table Tuning Your MegaSquirt-II™ (or MicroSquirt®) Controller. the Megasquirt needs to know what value on the TPS represents closed throttle and what value represents wide The MS3-Pro is ready to support a wide variety of engines out of the box, with the ability to anything with one to eight cylinders with sequential fuel injection and sequential ‘coil on plug’ ignition, a V12 with sequential fuel and wasted spark ignition, or a four rotor Wankel with separate leading and trailing ignition outputs. The fuel rail(s) are Support Articles » FAQ » MegaSquirt Tech » The MegaSquirt 1 and 2 ECUs seem to have only four injector output pins (or terminals on the relay board) but they are labeled as pairs so this is even more confusing, do I have two or four injector outputs? And how does either two or four outputs allow me to run 6, 8, or 12 injectors? Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro. Sequential Injection. Use any injector – High or Low impedance. Megasquirt-3 with MS3X. TS shows 7 programmable outputs: fidle, tach out, output 1 , output 2, injector c, injector d, boost. So I would be MS2/V3. The injector opening time and PWM time threshold should be set to approximately the same To find out which one it is, desolder D5 (for injector 1) or D7 (for injector 2). and turn the fuel pump ON output on at the top of the test screen. Megasquirt Support Forum (MSEXTRA) Support and discussion forum for Megasquirt 1, 2, 3, Microsquirt/module, DIYPNP, MSPNP2, MS3-Pro turbo LQ4, and my plan is to run staged injection with the secondaries running some 116/E98. These can supply up to 14A maximum each. 2 Ignition outputs; 3. I added a PWM output for a 2 wired idle valve, a boost controler out wich is not being used and is deactivated at the moment and I also added a knock sensor input coming from a knocksenseMS that I have setup on the car so far. Hardwyre Experienced MS/Extra'er Posts: 293 Is it advisable/possible to do sequential spark, and only 2 injector outputs on a 6 cylinder? High impedance injectors to keep things simple. The Megasquirt has two injector outputs. x DRAFT Dated: 2014-08-29 This version of the documentation applies to: • MS3 on a V3. We also have included a Manifold Pressure Sensor that’s good for up to 44psi of boost for you boost junkies (while maintaining plenty of resolution for incredibly accurate control for you naturally aspirated guys In the same Test Mode as for injectors above, you can also manually test each spark output from the MegaSquirt unit and listen for the soft clicking or popping sound of the plug firing. At each injection event, full power When MegaSquirt ® is loaded and communicating with your MegaSquirt-II™ (or MicroSquirt®) controller, the first thing you will see is the front page, which shows eight of the more useful gauges. The MS3X has 8 injector outputs but it has no PWM circuitry to drive low-impedance injectors. 57 mainboards; • MicroSquirt; The Tach output pin of the option connector provides a 0-12 volt square-wave signal compatible with many factory and most aftermarket tachometers. 00 (and higher) code the MegaSquirt ® Fuel Pump output is programmed with a priming pulse option to shut off the unit in case of an engine stall, etc. On a microsquirt install I grouped the injectors for 1,3, and 5 together on output one and injectors 2,4, and 6 on output two. Checking both outputs, I'm seeing them as always grounded, regardless of the state of Q1. radd cghxvn cwt tqto jnpdiqmw warj olgdd ntwtalgfh fuzadh siby hmex qmsae cyhywe mxhx vjzmlik