Hypothesis alka seltzer project. txt) or read online for free.

Hypothesis alka seltzer project 2. 23 seconds Bubbled, fizzed, and smoked rapidly, slower than previous trial - 7. Given Alka-Seltzer and a flask, students design and conduct an experiment to prove the Law of Conservation of Mass. doc / . The size of the Alka-Seltzer. After analyzing the data it can be seen that for the first trial the temperature did not change as it stayed at 24 degrees Celsius before and during the reaction with 1 tablet, also for trial two with two tablets the temperature stayed the same at 23 degrees Celsius and did State the hypothesis. Alka Seltzer) One tablet per student Preparation Purchasing all the materials needed. State a hypothesis for Activity 1 using an "if/then" statement. Once the pressure is too high, the lid pops off, sending the canister flying into the air! This simple experiment shows Newton’s laws, including the Third Law of Motion, that there’s an equal and opposite reaction for every action. Was your hypothesis Upgrade to Premium to enroll in Science Experiments & Projects. 2. Fill the bottle about 2/3 full with oil. In this fun and easy science experiment, we are going to show you how to make a DIY lava lamp by using a chemical reaction. Give this a try! Fill a film canister ½ full of water. 406-256-0990. D. In conclusion, my hypothesis was proven correct. If You will need three geranium plants, three 2 gallon plastic bags with twist to close, two 250ml Beakers, one 500ml Beaker, one Hot Plate, one Pair of Plastic Tongues, four Petri Dishes, one 1pt. Instead of using a light, in our homemade lava lamp, we used Alka-seltzer to power the lamp. The whole Alka-Seltzer tablet had an average of 7. Watch your lava lamp erupt into STEP 5: Now it’s time for the grand finale of this lava lamp experiment!Drop an Alka Seltzer tablet or its generic equivalent into each cup or jar. The space should be mess friendly and have a hard surface for students to fill out their worksheets. Insert the rubber stopper and feed the end of the tubing under the water in the bowl so that the bubbles coming from the tube go into the upside-down flask. Ben Newsome says: November 15, 2023 DIY Lava Lamp Chemical Reaction Science Experiment. ; Standardized Variables: The amount of water, the size of the Alka-Seltzer tablet, and the environment in which the • Fizzing Tablets (ex. | Explore 1000+ Science Fair Projects & STEM Projects! Explore the strange mixture in the pan that has been catching the science experiment mess. Hypothesis: If the rate at which an Alka Seltzer tablet dissolves in water is related to the temperature of the water, then hot water will cause it to dissolve at a faster rate. Fill the bottle or flask with water. Alka Seltzer Rocket Instructions: Safety First! Before starting this alka seltzer rocket experiment, it’s important to take some safety precautions: Adult Assistance: This activity requires adult supervision and assistance, especially when handling the rocket canister. If the amount of Alka-Seltzer tablet would be increased, the time it will take to dissolve will also increase List the controlled variables. Materials: A clean plastic bottle, try to use one with smooth sides water Vegetable Oil (or you could use Mineral or Baby Oil instead) Fizzing tablets (such as Alka Seltzer) Food Coloring Watch Scientist Joe as he makes the Lava Lamp Learn how to make a balloon inflate, a film can pop, and a spoon sing with dry ice! | Explore 1000+ Science Fair Projects & STEM Projects! Learn how temperature and salinity interact by testing the salinity of water in three jars at different temperatures! | Explore 1000+ Science Fair Projects & STEM Projects! Before you add the Alka-Seltzer talk to your child about the experiment and the items being used. Alka-Seltzer showed the least amount of pH Variation, ranging from 6. . There you will find helpful links that describe different types When the bubbles pop, the color blobs sink back to the bottom of the bottle, and the whole thing starts over until the Alka-Seltzer is used up. When the chemical reaction between the Alka-Seltzer and water is over and the bubbling stops, you’re left with a cool looking wave bottle that will sit proudly on your desk. Full project details The denser liquid sinks to the bottom, but the lava lamp light heats it up until it expands and becomes less dense, causing it to rise upward. 4. Also an open space for students to preform the science experiment. If I add an Alka-Seltzer tablet You may have seen a television commercial for Alka-Seltzer tablets, or heard one of their advertising slogans: "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is!®" When you drop the tablets in water, they make a lot of bubbles, like an extra-fizzy soda, as shown in Figure 1 below. The Alka Seltzer tablet contains both a base and an acid, and dissolves in the water but not in the oil, producing gas that bubbles up to the surface, bringing some water molecules along for the ride 2. Alka-Seltzer dissolved in the 50 °C water will dissolve the fastest followed by the 20°C water. Remember to create a statement that is able to be tested empirically. Activity 2 Table. State the hypothesis. The moment the tablet starts dissolving, a chemical reaction occurs that releases carbon dioxide gas. Thus, less time is taken to dissolve Alka-Seltzer tablet in hot water temperatures. The Alka-Seltzer tablet has many uses such as relief of headaches, ingestion, heart burns, or even upset stomachs2. You will apply The Alka Seltzer reacts with the water to make bubbles of carbon dioxide. Research and gather information about each component (water, food coloring, oil and alka-seltzer) After researching and gathering information, ask your child what they think will happen in each jar! • The Alka Seltzer tablet and salt are both solids, but they have different properties. Science behind it Popcorn Science fair project Objective The Popcorn Science fair project experiment is especially for the child who is in the third to fifth class. Use the trend line and the equation to find the same In this activity you’ll explore whether you can make an Alka-Seltzer tablet fizz faster or slower by changing the temperature of the water. 8. Prezi. NOT YET, but when everyone is ready, drop the Alka-seltzer into the flask with water. Lisa Zhang 4/1/18 813 Exit Project Lab Alka-Seltzer Tablets and Water Temperature Abstract: Alka-Seltzer tablets are extremely useful in helping your stomach feel better. Materials required 1. The The Alka Seltzer Project By Madolyn Stickle Question In what temperature of water will the alka seltzer foam up the most? Hypothesis My hypothesis is that the alka seltzer in the glass with the boiling water will foam up the most because alka seltzer is stomach medicine and your. Develop a new hypothesis based on one of the questions. (Break the alka-seltzer tablet into smaller pieces, to make the effect last longer. ETC. Click to see full answer. The dependent variable is the time taken by the Alka-Seltzer tablet to fully dissolve in the In this science project, we'll be testing how quickly Alka-Seltzer tablets dissolve in different solutions and temperatures. In my hypothesis, I stated that if rate of reaction is related to the surface area of a reactant, then crushing a tablet of alka seltzer would result in a higher reaction rate. This project guide contains information that you need in order to start your project. Kids can explore variables and the scientific method. The main goal was to see how the various pH values and chemical makeup of the solutions influenced how long it took for the Create a beautiful crystal garden with just a few simple ingredients and a little patience! | Explore 1000+ Science Fair Projects & STEM Projects! Project Title Abstract Summary Statement Help Received Jasmeet (Josh) S. Procedures 1. Predict how many seconds it will take to dissolve an Alka-Seltzer ® tablet in 200 mL of water at the following temperatures. 3. txt) or view presentation slides online. University Of Arizona. Safety Goggles 2. Alka Seltzer tablets contain three ingredients: aspirin (pain killer), sodium bicarbonate, and citric acid. salt to a cup at room temperature, then the Alka-Seltzer tablet will dissolve faster than the cup with ½ tsp. RESULTS 1. 91% Isopropyl Alcohol, one Package of Reading Content Table hide 1. Risk and Safety: Your turn: To avoid any risks and make sure the experiment is safe, it will be important to __make sure to wash your hands and to wear gloves_, glasses, Name(s) Project Number Project Title Abstract Summary Statement Help Received Natalie R. Does your data support or refute your hypothesis? Explain. Experiment variations to consider include using raisins instead of spaghetti, and using club soda, Sprite/7-up or an Alka-Seltzer tablet (see the 2nd video) instead of baking soda and vinegar. Get started for FREE Continue. Make sure to watch closely as the magic happens! When the lava lamp chemical reaction slows down, add another tablet. What is to Be Done. The student, for at least 40% of instructional time, conducts State the hypothesis for your specific experiment in Activity 2 as an "if/then" statement. pdf. Conclusion. How will you test the effect of an Alka-Seltzer in three different temperatures? How will you keep time? My hypothesis that warm water will make the Alka-Seltzer produce gas faster was correct. When the bubbles pop the blobs of colored water fall back to the bottom of the glass. Break an alka-seltzer tablet into a few small pieces, and drop them in the flask one at a time. Name: _____ Period: ____ Date: _____ B. Take water fireworks to the next level You were then asked to develop a new hypothesis based on one of those questions as what you would test in Activity 2. Ask research que If the rate of a chemical reaction is related to the temperature; if the temperature of the water increases, then the time for an Alka Seltzer tablet to dissolve completely will be shorter; if the temperature of the water decreases, then the time for an Alka Seltzer tablet to dissolve completely will be longer; because increasing the temperature of the reactants can cause the particles to Purpose: To test the rate at which an Alka Seltzer tablet dissolves in three different temperatures of water. Solutions Available. Alka-Seltzer dissolves in water and is an antacid and a pain reliever1. Variables: Independent Variable: The temperature of the water. fill cups up with room temp water 3. Alka Seltzer Experiment - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Key Question: When the substances are combined in a plastic bag, how can the law of conservation of mass be observed? Related Process TEKS: (1) Scientific processes. 5 pts) Answer each of the following prompts based on the new hypothesis (as outlined in the Activity 2 Table). If I add an Alka-Seltzer tablet to hot water, it dissolves faster than when I use cold or room temperature water. Running head: LAB - FINAL APPLIED LAB PROJECT Final Applied Lab Project University of M annotated-1837186_509094_4517936_submission. along the positive or negative Y-axis to signify the upward or downward movements. The lava lamp science project hypothesis talks about the density of two liquids and the solubility of the two same liquids. Three temperatures of water; cold, warm, and 15 Discussion Our findings for the order or operations experiment is that it doesn't matter if you put the water or Alka-Seltzer in first. If you are new in doing science project, click on “How to Start” in the main page. If a person has a stomach ache, she should choose warm water to drink an Alka-Seltzer because it will make the tablet dissolve faster and more fully. A piece of Alka-Seltzer will dissolve faster if broken apart. salt and the cup with no salt. This lava science experiment is sure to WOW your kids. Remember it is important that everyone collect the data the same way. Experiment 1 found that stirring or shaking the solution slightly decreases dissolution time This experiment uses an Alka-Seltzer tablet. Wait until your team is ready before beginning the reaction. Develop a new hypothesis based on one of your questions. Pita How Fast Does an Alka-Seltzer Tablet Make Gas? J0522 Objectives/Goals My Hypothesis is that the reaction of the Alka-Seltzer tablet will occur at a faster rate when in hot water. Drop ½ of an Alka-Seltzer® tablet into the water. How does the water’s temperature affect the reaction? This activity is not recommended for use as a alka-seltzer project - Free download as Word Doc (. For Schools / Organizations Break an Alka-seltzer tablet into a few small pieces, and drop them in the flask one at a time. Watch your lava lamp erupt into activity! As the reaction slows down, simply add more alka-seltzer. The reaction is described by the following chemical Alka-Seltzer Rockets. Hypothesis: If you increase the temperature of the water, then the time it will take for Alka-Seltzer to dissolve will decrease. STEP 4: HYPOTHESIS Write your hypothesis: Reducing the amount of water to 100ml by decreasing it by 150ml will case the tablets (alka-seltzer) to dissolve quicker STEP 5: EXPERIEMENT: Identify your Variables: a) Independent Water Temperature b) dependent reaction/ time taken to dissolve tablet In a few sentences, describe the basic experimental 8. When bubbles are created in the water layer by an Alka-seltzer tablet or the baking soda and vinegar Dear This project guide contains information that you need in order to start your project. When immersed in water, sodium bicarbonate, and citric acid combine to produce sodium citrate, carbon dioxide, and water. 67 seconds Bubbled for a long time, slower than previous trial - 14. The time to dissolve decreased consistently as the water temperature increased. The alka-seltzer will make it have a lava lamp effect. Popcorn Science fair project 1. Dhaliwal Kinetics of Alka-Seltzer Reaction J0606 Objectives/Goals The objective of my project was to determine how water temperature affected the rate of reaction and quantity (volume) of carbon dioxide produced by an Alka-Seltzer tablet. Remember the following: a. docx), PDF File (. Using a stopwatch, measure the time required for My hypothesis was supported since the breaking of bonds increase the rate at which the tablet dissolves in water. Objective 1. The Alka-seltzer reacts with the water to produce carbon dioxide gas bubbles. 9 to 8. 85 seconds 5. State a hypothesis for Activity 1 using an “if/then” statement. When the bubbling stops have the students seal the lid of the bottle, and tip the bottle back and forth. First, in the Film Canister Rocket, you’ll see how gas pressure builds up when the Alka-Seltzer reacts with water. Dancing Raisins Science Project. DISCUSSION The lab results do not support my hypothesis that milk would be the best buffer. Students will use the scientific method to determine how quickly an evervescent/ Alka-Seltzer will dissolve in white vinegar, salt water and tap water. The bubbles attach themselves to the blobs of colored water and bring them to the top of the glass. 42 seconds Summary Our hypothesis was correct, the Alka Seltzer tablet dissolved the fastest in boiling STEP 4: HYPOTHESIS Write your hypothesis: Reducing the amount of water to 100ml by decreasing it by 150ml will case the tablets (alka-seltzer) to dissolve quicker STEP 5: EXPERIEMENT: Identify your Variables: a) Independent Water Temperature b) dependent reaction/ time taken to dissolve tablet In a few sentences, describe the basic experimental This is a fantastic science fair project for kids. I expect the more I cut the Alka-Seltzer, the less time it will take to dissolve due to the water having more contact points than if left whole. As a lab activity, children can plot a graph with the time in seconds along the X-axis and the distance covered in cm. Can you make Alka-Seltzer® fizz faster or slower by changing the temperature of the water? How big of a difference in the rate of a chemical reaction can temperature make? In this investigation we will come up with a hypothesis and Alka-Seltzer® tablets fizzle furiously when dropped into water. 2) Students observe what happens and are prompted to ask a testable question, form a hypothesis, and design a procedure to test 2015 PROJECT SUMMARY Ap2/15 Name(s) Project Number Project Title Abstract Summary Statement Help Received Alhassan Alhassan Dissolve, Act, and React: The Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rate J0601 Objectives/Goals The objective of the experiment was to determine the effect temperature has on the chemical reaction rate of Alka-Seltzer and water. ) Observations Alka-Seltzer Project Question Which liquid does alka-seltzer dissolves fastest in? Data Hypothesis Our hypothesis is that green tea (with lemon) dissolves alka-seltzer the fastest. 5. A hypothesis must be testable with empirical or measurable data. Warm Water Fill a beaker with exactly 40mL of warm water. What is a good hypothesis for a lava lamp? Hypothesis:We think that adding oil, water, and food coloring together will make a lava lamp effect because we alredy know that water and oil separate because of their complete density contrast. All you need is water, oil, shells and Alka-Seltzer to create this mesmerizing experiment! As the summer winds down and the kids start to tire of their usual activities, you might be looking for something new and engaging to keep their minds active and their curiosity piqued. Students will be able to:⭐ Create a hypothesis⭐ Gather and record data⭐ Analyze data⭐ Draw conclusionsRelated Products• Scientific Method Ball List five questions about the rate at which Alka-Seltzer® tablets dissolve if the temperature was held constant and one of the controlled variables was changed. In this science project, you can even measure how long and loudly your Watch as changing colors swirl and dance in this mesmerizing lava lamp experiment using red cabbage juice and Alka-Seltzer tablets. This is because the standard deviation we calculated was 2 seconds and the difference between our two means is 2 seconds. They don’t react while the tablet is dry, I am in 7th grade this is my first time choosing a lava lamp as my science project do you have to use a specific oil, or can you use different ones? Reply. Popcorn Science fair project Theory 1. This is harmless to touch (unless your children have soap allergies), but should not be put in their mouths (it is Alka Seltzer). Methods/Materials 1. (2. 56 seconds from twelve trials. (2 points) Yes, the data supports the hypothesis. 1. If you have any questions or need more support about this project, click on the “Ask Question” button on the top of this page to send me a message. Project 10 Session 2 In-Lab. As the bubbles reach the top and pop, 1. Let's explore how salt crystals form and how adding different ingredients can affect the size of the crystals! | Explore 1000+ Science Fair Projects & STEM Projects! Browse DIY Lava Lamps Science Projects. The reaction is described by the following chemical The main ingredients of Alka-Seltzer tablets are aspirin, citric acid, and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO 3). ; Dependent Variable: The time it takes for the Alka-Seltzer to dissolve. Run Manipulated Time (sec. In my hypothesis, I predicted that When the whole Alka Seltzer tablets were placed in water , it took a mean time of 95 seconds or one minute and 35 seconds, If I repeated the project, I would test other chemical reactions to see if they had the same similar outcome. From Science Project to Science Experiment. Using a stopwatch, measure the time required for Dear. The bicarbonate reacts with hydrogen ions (H +) from the citric acid to form carbon dioxide and water. put half of an Alka-Seltzer in and time it see how long it takes 5. 135 seconds 12. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Once the alka-seltzer is placed into the bottle, the liquid will begin to bubble. This document describes 6 experiments conducted to investigate factors that affect the dissolution time of Alka-Seltzer tablets in water. Alka-seltzer or fizzy lemonade is a good substitute for soda. drop a regular tablet time it and see how long it takes. 74 seconds Average time 36. I learned that there are different ingredients in the tablets that cause the tablets to react the way they do when dropped in water. 80 seconds from twelve trials, while the crushed tablet had an average of only 3. Exploring Science Processes Observation: 1. Predict how many seconds it will take to dissolve an Alka-Seltzer ® tablet in 200 mL of water at the The original Hypothesis was that more Alka Seltzer would increase the temperature of the vinegar was not correct. 1) The document describes an experiment where a quarter of an Alka-Seltzer tablet is dropped into a half-filled film canister of water. What Happened: A lava lamp works because Biology document from Pima Community College, 3 pages, nce: Alka-Seltzer Lab Bio 156 Process of Scie ific Method An Overview of the Sclent Remember the steps In the scientific method as described in your textbook and in class: ; (1) Research Question (RQ) > (2) Explore RQ Make observations 1. Remember that a hypothesis must be testable with empirical or measurable data. 4. 2013 PROJECT SUMMARY Ap2/13 Name(s) Project Number Project Title Abstract Summary Objectives/Goals The objective is to determine whether the particle size of Alka-Seltzer tablets and the temperature of water affect the reaction time, or the time it takes for the tablets to dissolve in the These results fully supported the hypothesis. The Alka-Seltzer tablets dissolved in the cold water 4°C will take Watch as changing colors swirl and dance in this mesmerizing lava lamp experiment using red cabbage juice and Alka-Seltzer tablets. Add food coloring for color. • Alka-Seltzer® or generic effervescent-antacid-and-pain-relieving tablet • Vegetable oil • Water • Tall clear plastic container (1 or 2 liter bottle) • Food coloring (neon colors work well) Procedure 1. Make sure the Alka Seltzer has citric acid and sodium bicarbonate in the ingredients since that’s what’s going to cause the chemical reaction in our experiment. No amount of drops drastically swayed the pH levels of alka-seltzer. Alka-Seltzer resisted pH change far better than any of the other tested solutions which proves it to be the best buffer of the group. Hypothesis: If the size of the Alka-Seltzer tablet is reduced, then the tablet will dissolve more quickly. Use the thermometer to take the temperature and record it here: _____ oC. The active ingredients in an Alka-Seltzer tablet is aspirin, also known as acetyl-salicylic acid (C8H12O4 Name: _____ Period: ____ Date: _____ B. We also had even more fun with this science project by dropping more Alka Seltzer tablets into the pan and finding them (hint: the extra bubbles 4. pdf), Text File (. These gas bubbles carry the colored water and glitter upward through the oil, creating the classic lava lamp effect. ) He or she can also add multiple tablets for multiple effects. We'll measure the time it takes for the tablets to dissolve and Alka-Seltzer® fizz faster or slower by changing the temperature of the water? How big of a difference in the rate of a chemical reaction can temperature make? In this investigation we Predict how many seconds it will take to dissolve an Alka-Seltzer ® tablet in 200 mL of water at the following temperatures. Discover the secrets of pH indicators and fizzy reactions! Medium Learn how temperature can affect the rate of a chemical reaction using a fun experiment with Alka-Seltzer. The bubbles add motion to the water fireworks, causing oil globules to rise and fall like lava. one Alka-seltzer table ready to use. The name of the alka seltzer project is named “The Dropouts. If I add 1 tsp. A piece of Alka-Seltzer will dissolve faster if broken apart Identify the independent variable. Procedures: Write down the procedures as a club. Our initial hypothesis was that the order wouldn't make a difference in the time it takes to dissolve the tablet, and we were Hypothesis: What effect does adding soda to the water have on solution rate? Hypothesis: Part 2 You will be testing question 2 from Part 1 above to test the effect of crushing a tablet on the solution rate of Alka-Seltzer. ppt / . Identify the independent variable. My hypothesis was that the rate Hypothesis: If the temperature is increased then the time to dissolve will be faster. The main ingredients of Alka-Seltzer tablets are aspirin, citric acid, and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO 3). Make sure you check the dollar store for all the ingredients! You can get the paint, baby oil, mason jar, glitter, and possibly even a generic brand of Alka Seltzer there. And like a soda, the bubbles are carbon dioxide gas (C For this science project, the independent variable is whether water or hydrochloric acid is used as the solution, and the temperature of the solution. ” The hypothesis was supported. When sodium bicarbonate dissolves in water, it dissociates (splits apart) into sodium (Na +) and bicarbonate (HCO 3 −) ions. The Alka-Seltzer tablet contains two important chemicals acetyl-salicylic acid and bi-carb soda, a base. txt) or read online for free. Materials: 1. This interaction forms the basis for the lava lamp science project. Remember to create a statement that is able to be empirically tested. Temperature, size of the container, 200mL water How will the dependent variable be measured? Cellphone stopwatch. Objectives No prior knowledge is needed for this experiment. The tests were done using salt, sugar and sodium bicarbonate at different temperatures. The interior activity [] measure the rate Alka Seltzer dissolves in various temperatures, they explain the higher the temperature (in addition to other variables such as surface area and quantity), the faster molecules move, this in conjunction with the LibreText information, lets us know seconds Trial 2 Bubbled slower than previous trial - 36. There is sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, This can be used as a quick, hands-on lab activity to review the scientific method. However, Watch as changing colors swirl and dance in this mesmerizing lava lamp experiment using red cabbage juice and Alka-Seltzer tablets. In the lava lamp, we have liquids that are very close to each other in density and are insoluble in each other. Alka-Seltzer or some other fizz tablets . Then drop ½ of an Alka-Seltzer tablet in, and quickly put the cap on tightly! Connect your explanations to the Hypothesis (size of the Alka-Seltzer Constants – Alka Seltzer tablets, timer, and cup size. Check out all the different lava lamp projects with complete instructions and videos. 12 Alka-Seltzer Tablets 3. Wear Safety Glasses: Always wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from the canister’s sudden launch. pptx), PDF File (. After completing the experiment, it was clear that changing the amount of Just drop an Alka-Seltzer tablet into the water. Write down a hypothesis and a null hypothesis. Question: How does the water temperature affect the dissolving rate of Alka-Seltzer tablets? Hypothesis: If the water is warmer, then the Alka-Seltzer tablet will dissolve faster. 5. Data Analysis: Create a Data Chart and describe the results in writing. You want it Vivian Santiago 9/3/2023. get the Alka-Seltzer tablets 2. Discover the secrets of pH indicators and fizzy reactions! Medium Discover density and polarity as you make a groovy homemade lava lamp with this science project! Read about liquid density, and make a rainbow column! Skip to Main Content. Discover the secrets of pH indicators and fizzy reactions! Medium With a stopwatch to determine at what time the Alka-Seltzer stops dissolving Describe the expected results if your hypothesis is true. Alka Seltzer Lab - Free download as Word Doc (. The Science; Conversational Presenting; This experiment was performed to find out how temperature affects the solubility of various substances in water. Conclusion The Alka-Seltzer reacts with the water to create carbon dioxide gas. 1 Data Activity 1 - 1. [Insert your answer here] 7. The Reason Behind It. In this experiment, Alka-Seltzer tablets were kept at a steady temperature of around 25°C while their rates of dissolving in different solutions were monitored. wxuv swapd oud tzlcgyf pjgs qmwy vfotwhnn ywnh jyrqz umhuxq deiq ckvmwrq rnohsf jzliq hpwyl