Harry potter is secretly married to fleur fanfiction. Harry and fleur married with children .
Harry potter is secretly married to fleur fanfiction "I hate you Harry" Fleur gasped. "No, you and Harry belong together. As it turns out, she is married to professor Snape. He'd have a family, finally, and one that cared for him, unconditionally. Harry though bent down and pecked Fleur on the lips. The two did however promised that he could visit Harry during his summer and winter vacation time. "Working on a bit of Pyromancy there, Harry?" During his stay with the Weasleys, two very curious things happened. "Mrs. Reply reply Harry mumbled and quickly left the office, not even bothering to ask who his intended was. But the happiness didn't last as Harry found Dumbledore's diary and his machinations so that Harry is dead and the Weasleys rich. Harry's time with Hermione was essential to the two and most done at Hermione and Daphne's shared flat. Follow/Fav Notice. oOo. Also Harry and Fleur had a relationship during the Tri-Wizard tournament, but Harry's drive to fight Voldemort and keep Fleur safe ended the romance. Smart/Harry finds out about the "Light" and takes off . Over the years living as a Muggle, she secretly gotten letters from her sister, Lily Evans Potter, they both still communicate over the years, Lily had gotten married to James Potter. Fleur was determined, as always, to not only be accepted but respected. Whats That Fic I saw this at a glance while looking for a dad harry fics but I lost the threat and now I can't find it. I felt safe in his arms, even if I did want to cry. 4. Fleur and I won't tell who you're married to but we assume that there are some who do know. Harry concurred. Cross-Posted on FanFiction. Fleur started talking. "Potter. I want to start my married life as I mean to go on, you told me you love me, and I know you want me, I felt it when we kissed and in more than one way," she shouted at him. "So mote it be". " Voldemort wants to marry her. Just a small little fluffy AU tale, told across the past and present (each scene is labeled), about Princesses and petty criminals. Good Dumbledore. Harry Potter walked into the living room of Grimmauld and sighed. "What do you mean Griphook? What aren't you telling us?" Dumbledore asked. Ecstatic Immolation. IMPORTANT: I've received various reviews from this first chapter -pardon the word- whining about the crappy grammar and all that. " Bill replied, rubbing the same lines that marked his hand. It's a part of the treaty as well. But not you and Harry. The bruised, bloody and broken body of Harry Potter stumbled down the sidewalk of So, I decided to write my marriage contract fic where things I don't like just don't happen. Albus never noticed that Harry left. Muggles can do some damn clever stuff. It was for this reason that Harry's talents hadn't become known to the public yet. "Papa, Maman, this is Lord Harry James Potter and the lovely lady at his side is his best friend and, as I believe, his "Harry Potter we are married, you are my husband and I am your wife, I will not start my married life sleeping in separate rooms, I would not even consider sleeping in separate beds. I honestly do not know why these thoughts started parading around my head, and why they're still here. 4. The one I got to see poo, cry, laugh and scream whenever it's bath time. Harry The war finally over and everyone was married and happy. Fleur loses track of just how many times she cums for Harry but she certainly knows when she finally makes him cum for her. She beckoned to her younger daughter. The night James and Lily die Sirius makes a choice. also can it be with neville longbottom as the I post on the Harry Potter Fanfiction Facebook page. Harry finally relented as Fleur begged Harry to stop after the millionth time it seemed. Charlie leapt across the room and lifted Harry, turned and placed him gently on the sofa. He had a feeling he already knew. " Ragnok said formally. Harry fucking Married women; Summary. During Harry's fifth year. " "And waited until after you both vowed then told you what was wrong. I hope you enjoy my Christmas present. Statement by the DOM, pg. History of Magic to the rescue, again. She was glad to see everyone present Books Harry Potter. Harry sat opposite Bellatrix and next to Appolline with Fleur sitting next to Harry, Jacques noted that Fleur seemed very happy. And of course, it's AU. One-shot. Linkffn(Heart and Soul by Sillimaure) is a slow burn Harry/Fleur (later Harry/Fleur/Hermione) and their courtship begins due to a marriage contract signed in the time of their grandfathers. The Tournament was stress enough, but with the resentment of the majority of the school and the abandonment of his best friend Harry wasn't having the greatest Fudge quailed slightly when the twin glares of Lord Potter and Lady Potter (Lily. "I, Harry James Potter, hereby accept the title of Lord Black. The band is playing some Caribbean style that Fleur seems familiar, and Harry is happy to follow along as he can. Thirteen year old Almost fourteen Gabrielle to start the story. I was shy, meek by comparison. The first was that he'd learned that Ron's oldest brother Bill was engaged to be married to none other than Fleur Delacour. Clint's not the only one who has to keep our marriage a secret from most the world. " The woman frowned and the silver pen she'd had in her hand turned into a full sized scythe. " Harry nodded politely. Therefore, I Fem!Harry. " Suddenly, an owl dropped a letter in Harriet's lap then ate a bit. I came here with a proposition. When the Weasleys left, Harry guided Hermione to bed. "Yes, do tell us Harry dear. Hermione was quietly debating with herself over where she should sit-there was space beside Fred, but would that seem as though she was trying too hard?-when Harry came over to her and took her hand. Chapter 1: Voices. " Hermione added, turning to Lavender. " Ginny admitted. "Yes, I did," Fabian said brightly. Harry zoned out 'No it's not I've done plenty of stupid things like okay Ron and Hermione were always there, wait that means Hermione did stupid idiotic things too!Sides it's not like I married Lavender or something she's blowing this way out of proportion. He was Harry Potter after all. Chapter 1: Harry? It had finally been Arthur's turn to decide what the Weasley Family would be doing for their holiday, which is why the entire Weasley Clan, bar a few who would arrive later and the matriarch who was sorting the house they were staying at, were in exotic Cornwall. Mr. "Harry, you are being very selfish and unreasonable. " Mrs. So I asked sheltie if I could adopt it so it could be finished. No, he shook his head. NO. That'll do. After many photos were taken of all the people Everyone was gathered in the living room of the Burrow; Harry and Ginny Potter who'd been married for almost two years gave them a comforting, encouraging smile, a newly engaged Percy's attention was drawn by the document in his hand whilst his girlfriend Audrey sat beside him, Ron's attention was held by his sandwich, Fred and George were whispering amongst Hell, I just married Harry even if we didn't actually use our names or even our own bodies to do it. After a bout of accidental magic,Harry finds himself in America with an old couple, the Flamels. Should she already have a male she likes, she may secretly tell him where the bauble is, but in secret. We can go and get married right now if you want to. 000000000000. "We're lovely, thank you for asking" Bellatrix smiled "Yeah, this place is brilliant" Delphi grinned "thanks for letting me draw the garden" She added to Appolline "This has got to be the most stupid idiotic thing you have ever done" Hermione shrieked. " Amelia said, sitting down behind her desk. Harry only went to Diagon Alley in disguise with Andromeda, Ted, and Nym. For more on house Potter, pg. I vaguely noticed that it was electricity, but that didn't bother me. " "I appreciate it. Harry being the younger turns 14 or they share their first kiss. Albus Dumbledore decides it's a good idea to have Harry Potter and Severus Snape marry one another in an attempt to end the war. Focus: Books Harry Potter, Since: 07-11-09. "And ze three of us should be able to 'elp 'im as well!" "Anything to help Harry," finished Hermione, burrowing into Harry's chest even more deeply. "You are my best fwriend too. For more on Lily and James Potter, pg. She hadn't laughed this hard in a long time and it felt good though her ribs wouldn't agree with her on that. Harry Potter / Fleur Delacour. She asked me to call her Lily) turned on him, but he stuttered a bit and got back to doing the introductions, which were pretty tame, barring the fact that the youngest Weasley boy couldn't have been drooling harder when he was introduced to Fleur and Apolline, Fleur's mother. So a Harpy, that doesn't like any of the male's can harry potter accidentally marry pinkie pie from my little pony friendship is magic. Until the Daily Prophet finds out and their lives turn upside down. " Harry Potter was standing in front of Minister Fudge. AU redo 4th year fic Harry Potter, his wife and daughter go back in time to make a better future stong/independent!Harry HP/DG Well we all read fanfictions with time travel in which Harry and Ginny get to know that they will be married but what if her role is taken by another? Companion to different wife HP/DG TD/BZ DM/AG. Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance/Drama - [Hermione G picking her up and smothering her between them. Thanks to my beta readers x102reddragon and DJKopper for glancing at this and correcting the most egregious of my errors. We both faced the same problem," Gabrielle noted grimly. Net; Summary. It's been dancing around in my head for some time and I'm wanting to put it 'on paper' so to speak. Happy reading. But all that means to her is that the entire war hinges on her getting married. "I felt her pain instantly when I sat by her in Grimmauld Place. "No. Harry looks scared, his brow is sweating, and his hands are shaking. A year later, they reunite by accident and the Site: fanfiction. Ron brought round the Christmas card today, Hermione always said he had the emotional range of a teaspoon- not that it stopped her from marrying him- but It's not his fault I suppose. "So? Harry and Ginny have got married and have managed to keep it as a secret so far. Walter leans in. " Hermione stated rather than asked. A Veela bonding fic based on love. Harry Potter Bill, Fleur, and Victoire stayed for dinner. The only two death eaters left after the final battle were on trial and it was a big event, Bellatrix Lestrange and Harry Potter were sitting in the magic suppressing chairs. And then they were off, Bill and Harry to their honeymoon, and Fleur, Fleur returned to the party as Harry, a secret smile on her face. It's got a couple tropes in it including !MasterOfDeath! Despite himself, Harry snorted in laughter and glanced to his side to see a flash of bitter amusement flicker on her face before vanishing. And to SNAPE of all people . "Harry I do know that you do not trust me, but I swear I shall do nothing to Just in time to hear Sirius' shout of "Harry!" and watch Harry fall gracelessly to the floor, hitting his head on the low table in front of the sofa. I haven't thought of anything else yet, so I'll mention it if I do. I dont own Harry Potter. "Yeah, I mean we don't have to if you don't want to " she said, but Harry cut her with a kiss. "Right so I, Director Ragnok, Head of the Goblins Associations, hereby officially hand the title Lord Black to Harry James Potter. My best friend. Nor you and Ron. Though, This my attempt at writing a Harry Potter fic. After they had finished dinner, the whole group of them moved into the living room and Bill helped Ginny fix tea for everyone while their mother had Fleur's help with the dishes. Weasley said, smiling at him kindly. net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 11 | Words: 119,994 | Reviews: 813 | Favs: 1,834 | Follows: 2,691 | Updated: 8/10 | Published: 8/24/2017 | id: 12627473 | Language: English | Genre: Promising/Well-Written Harry Potter and Fleur Delacour Fics? While some are rather silly with Veela soul bonds causing Harry to transcend reality and of course the usual smattering of It was Christmas morning during his sixth year and he went home to his boyfriend and his family. Harry watched the others in the room nod their agreement. He checked Harry's head to make sure he wasn't bleeding, before looking up into Sirius Black's confused eyes. Harry thought on what he should tell them, absentmindedly spinning his wedding band around his finger. Today was the biggest day since the dark Lord Voldemort had been beaten. Time I'm Alain Delacour, Fleur's father, and the lovely lady at my side is my wife and the mother of our daughters, Apolline. "Hey yourself Mr Potter," Ginny replied. " Lavender shrugged. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters Fred and George exchanged silent looks, knowing what each other meant. But I see why I wasn't on the mailing list. "Love you too" he said. 'And may I call you Tori? "Fabian!" Harry squeaked, the implications of the fact there were just the two of them at their 'wedding' clearly understood going by the other three faces. Well what happens when the Wedding Minister gives the wrong vows? Now add in some of the Famous/Infamous Potter Luck. Lord/heir Harry. However, my best friend called RedWarGrey X on this website, we are both from England (the birth place of Harry Potter so ha!), said that I should probably improve it a bit. If this wasn't enough Harry is targeted for an assassination. Trying a Gryff fic. Bashing Dumbledore. " Harry was surprised by her sudden shift from ice-cold-bitch to friendly conversationalist. Greengrass briefly shot his daughter an unimpressed look before returning his gaze to Harry. Everyone in Wizarding Britain was expecting a future where Harry would be married to Ginny and become the head of DMLE, but it was never to happen. Weasley and Remus continuously tried to find faults in this plan. Set 5th year. And anyway, the Ministry messed up some of the pairings. (slash later chapters) (started updating again since 2020) The Weasley's and Harry find out that Hermione and Sirius got secretly married. Harry knew that Draco was his best friend and told him so. After getting married to Ron's little sister, it was hard not to avoid his new brother-in-law. Harry looked up grinning, victorious. "I've gone by many different names and titles during my life. Conflicting emotions ran through him as he took in the sight of the woman sitting there on the couch, nursing a glass full of wine, a half-empty bottle on the table a clear indication. They were conflicted. It's quickly made clear to Violet that neither of the men are going to sign the treaty until she agrees. Either I was of age and had to compete, or I "And I Harry James Potter head of the family Potter herby end Harry James Potter's contract to one Ginerva Weasley" Harry finished as a bright light of magic left both men. Harriet opened the letter after Severus placed a privacy barrier charm around them so no one could hear the contents of "Hey Mrs Potter," whispered Harry. Albus Dumbledore always seemed to make sure that Hermione went to the Burrow or headquarters weeks before Harry was allowed to join them. A/N. I mentioned it to Fleur, but when we went upstairs to talk to her about it, she made us swear not to say anything. Warnings: mentions of child abuse, which I don't at all condone. " She turned to come face to face with Harry Potter. Leaf through their saga as they traverse the boundaries that are set between them and their love. Bear in mind this chapter is a bit over a year old, when I was barely starting to really write in English seriously so it's obvious my skills were rather lousy by the time, since Poor Ginny Weasley, married secretly to her best friend and he doesn't even know it. "Yes I did. While the other only lasted three months. "Hogwarts students always stick together, so if this is Harry's best shot, then absolutely," added Diggory. Harry controls his breathing and relaxes. ' The young girl also held her hand out to him. The paper burst into flames never to be read again. For more on Fidelius charm, pg. 'Harry, may I introduce my younger daughter Astoria to you? Astoria, this is your brother-in-law, Harry Potter. The dream she had of falling in love, getting married, and having children would never be a possibility. " "Not necessarily Lord and Lady Potter the Potter line won't be extinct for a long time. HP/Fleur/Gabrielle/Hermione. Harry opens the letter and glares gripping the paper tightly. "I guess. "During the summer of 1996 your youngest Harry Potter married a squib from the Parkinson family. Now four months after his defeat most students are going back to Hogwarts, including one Harry Potter who is not exactly pleased to be going back. This is my first fanfic, basically any reviews would be appreciated, I'll try and update it as often as possible, thanks to anyone who reads it. "Until death separates us. What was left of the Wizengamot were all gathered into a hall. Those who remained of Asgard called me the Trickster's Wife, seeing as I married the God of Mischief. Two weeks after 4th year he receives a letter saying he is to get married he doesn't want to. She could be married off into a rich family, bear the man's child, take care of the house, be a trophy to be shown off to prove the rich bastards wealth. Harry Potter was born in 1977. Should he tell Severus now? He thought the question over carefully. " Harry said. Bill compared a pregnant Fleur to a horny, wild beast. Once all 3 criteria are met copies of this contract will be delivered to Harry and Hermione. "All right you two. All while Harry saw the best opportunity she could for herself. " "Until death separates us. Harry Potter and the "What? I'm getting married?" Disclaimer: I own nothing! Harry sighed, rolling his head onto the desk with an audible thump. Harry and fleur married with children . Tomorrow, tomorrow she would depart for her own holiday. There was another option though. Proposed and agreed upon by both Voldemort and Dumbledore. "Selfish, let's break a few things down on that. "We were both confined to certain expectations and judged, sometimes unfairly, based solely on our appearances. " They were eating lunch and Harry wasn't too sure why Draco's plate was only filled with gross veggies. 'How do you do, Mr Potter. Proudfoot escorted Dawlish out of the bullpen as Amelia went back to her office and Harry. She had long given up the hope of living her life for herself. I'm an okay writer but I ask RWG to help me by checking my stories before I post them form improvements. I'll be focusing on my other story more than this, but I'm putting out a couple chapters of this as I've thought of this one for some time. " Daphne greeted coldly. My name is Countess Daphne Potter. "Since we are best friends and I really like you, you should marry me!" Harry was positive that Sirius said that was how a marriage worked. Not a forced marriage. Unfortunately Harry stumbles upon Ginny's affair and consequences of this event unfold. A nice, little three chapter story, with the pairing Harry / Ginny. "Fine Mister Potter. "Mr. For discussion of Harry Potter fanfiction. One thing is for sure, nothing will ever be the same. "Walter" Harry says calmly. Potter," he started cooly, "I will do you a favor by overlooking this rather childish knee jerk reaction. I'm sick of waiting. "Shit, lost my temper. Harry sat beside a blonde beauty with large violet eyes. "This is a very special guest, Harry, my Grandfather Macmillan who's spending a few days with us," said Cyrus. " Dumbledore stood next to Minister Fudge, and he wanted this marriage. Slash fic! Harry pulled Hermione into a seat between him and Fleur and gathered his thoughts for a second "It was Fleur who pulled it off really When the Goblet spit out my name I guess magic got confused. Sirius Black, sat in the parlor of Secret Garden; more commonly referred to as Greengrass Manor. He's the son of Harry Potter and Nymphadora Tonks. Fleur and Hermione had a discussion, comparing their experiences with pregnancy, while Harry and Bill talked about what it was like to take care of a pregnant wife. She had certainly earned "I'm really happy I'm with Harry, but I just have a feeling that if we didn't put each other's names down, we wouldn't be together. " Harry replied. "Prepare the house for guest. Charlie and Bill came over for hugs too, with Percy and Fleur giving her an acknowledging nod. Suddenly, quite abruptly even, Fleur feels his seed splattering Harry is surprised when at the beginning of the school year, a new professor is introduced. But, as it turns out, Harry's lover has other ideas, and is about to turn the tables on the old Headmaster. "Of course! Zis iz 'Arry Potter we're talking about!" cried Fleur. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or the associated properties. "Well, not Albus has no choice but to allow Harry to leave with Francis and Fleur. Just as Harry was about to call out to her, he saw Fleur turn back to the cafe with a bright smile that he normally saw directed at himself, but then a familiar looking man with long red hair tied back into a ponytail walked out and took her into his arms, pulling her into a deep kiss as Harry looked on in despair, his heart breaking as he watched Fleur return the kiss. 5. Fleur Delacour stumbled through the hedge maze blindly. Notes: AU Harry Potter based after the war with Voldemort has been won, Bill and Fleur did not get married before the end and decided to wait until after it was over. Or rather, wants her to marry him. Not protesting, Harry wrapped his arm around my stomach, pulling me close. And the wizarding world was thrilled at least one of their favorite couples got married. I doubt Harry would really see it that way, but he at least broke up with Ginny before we left. Harry should have known by the look on Sirius's face that nothing about this summer as going to be easy. Fred, George, Ron and Ginny were vehemently against even entertaining the thought of marrying Harry off to Voldemort. "I know your secret, Harry Potter!" She was a seventeen-year-old girl, and she kind of scared Harry, mainly because she was so hot, and fit, and beautiful, and Harry tended to fall apart around beautiful silvery haired blonde veela babes. A unique take on the Harry Potter Universe with a twist of history. "Still the Ice Princess, I see. Thanks to a mysterious voice, Fleur Delacour stops Harry Potter from touching the trapped Cup and discovers that the two of them share an ancient and powerful connection. Fleur Potter has a nice ring to it. I never imagined that after two years of engagement we wouldn't have gotten married still. Due to some disagreements between them, Harry and Ginny got separated, and soon after, he discovered the House Black and Greengrass's marriage contract. As always, I own nothing about the Harry Potter universe, just this little idea. Let me tell you about my Harry. Let's take some photos that you can actually show people without the snogging!" said Ron. He was far to busy making plans. "You got married. I don't even think even Hermione suspects. Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter (921) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (277) Daphne Greengrass/Harry Fleur, deep down, knew that it could never be. Her violet blue eyes examined him critically. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Vanishing Harry's glass from his weakening grip and moving aside the box concealing Harry's 'wedding tackle', Fleur snuggled in close to the Chosen One and began gently stroking his crotch, purring appreciatively at the mass "No Potter - Harry. On the one hand, what Bill had done to Lupin and Fleur was terrible, and they felt that it should probably come to light before Fleur married him. Let me tell you about my best friend, the man that I love, my lover, the Father of my children, the Lord of our House, the Boy-Who-Lived and the Defeater of the Dark Lord. Harry broke out of his mental exercise, trying to remember what Isolde called that room, when he noticed an ancient, almost wraith-like presence standing still, inspecting Harry Potter. Barton, I can't believe that Legolas is secretly marriedand to a witch!" "Well, it's actually GrangerHermione Granger. One moment I'm thinking of Voldemort and the next I'm marrying Draco. After saving the Philosopher's stone, Dahlia Potter soon discovers the world isn't as black and white as she believes it to be. "I, Harry James Potter," Harry repeated. Harry put the paper down and looked at the Greengrass parents who were looking at him. "You married Harry Potter!" Dumbledore growled out, looking completely furious. To my surprise Molly is excited about the wedding. She's helping me plan things and offered to lend Everyone knows about Bill and Fleur's wedding. " The goblin grinned. Tonks grinned evilly at the others while rubbing her hands together "Great now that is taken care of we can stop having 'we must find Harry Potter so I can control him and And while Harry Potter was certainly quite extraordinary, Daphne knew her husband had no phoenix. Part during the books, part after the end of war before epilogue. " Harry's voice cracked at the last part. T Rated and it will stay that way. Her tone was kind and far softer than he had expected from Malfoy's girlfriend. But Daphne was not completely heartless, no matter what Astoria would say. Fem!Harry. Severus could be even more stubborn than Potter when the Dearest Fleur. AN: My health hasn't been the best lately, but I managed to write this during the times when I was feeling alright. Title – Harry's Secret Chapter – One Author – xxxiliveforthefuturexxx Beta – None Summary – With Voldemort defeated, the world finally went back to the peacefulness it had known before the mad-man got his body in 1994. Archived post. Secret in the Tower. Daniel Potter,his younger brother, born in 1980,is declared the Boy Who Lived by Dumbledore. 30 June 1996. All was quiet on number four Privet Drive, everyone was tucked in their beds safe and warm; not even the spiders in the cupboard under the stairs made a peep, their endless spinning of webs coming to a halt. Follow. You've already met our young daughter – Gabrielle. "You have my and the DMLE's apology for the way you were treated. By: Blackwolflegend. He was no Albus Dumbledore. All but one were soundly sleeping, Harry Potter lay awake, staring at his alarm clock. Teddy Tonks-Lupin should have been Teddy Tonks-Potter. But things changed when she had Dudly, she didn't like that fact that he had to be a Muggle, just like his father, who at that time, was happy to have a son who wasn't a wizard, or in his own words a Chapter One: Harry, We're Getting Married. "Director Bones, is everything ok?" Harry asked as she re-entered the office. AU!Fifth year. "I could have gone my entire life without knowing that," Severus sighed. But that girl kept her head up her ass and married a jackass who abandoned her when he thought he'd knocked her up. On the other hand, they felt bound by a fierce loyalty to their brother, even if he was completely in the Bill and Fleur laughed heartily at Harry's expense. Harry had been surprised, but he was happy for Fleur, though he'd only met Bill once just before the Quidditch World Cup. Like her daughters, she is loose on the hips and light on her feet, a real We announced our engagement recently. But Fleur was always brave and determined, far bolder than I was. She went towards the door, she was about to enter when a voice said behind her, "I thought you were not coming. . Not a At the end of Harry's year after the Tri-Wizard Tournament, he finds out that a specific french veela desires him to be her mate. She suddenly discovers the truth of her true parentage and is faced with the threat of not just Lord Voldemort, but beings and people off realm, who would wish her harm, if they discovered who her father is. He had learned at the end of third year that he could accept his Potter Lordship With Bill Weasley left impotent thanks to Fenrir, he turns to Harry several years into his marriage to Fleur to give his wife everything she's being missing out on. " Pairing: Harry/Fleur. A wry smile tugs at the woman's lips. They will be married either on Harry's 17th birthday or his 3rd birthday after this contract is started whichever comes first. WBWL. Hermione let the doubts she was feeling course through her as thoughts chased one another up and down her consciousness. We're going to be hosting a gathering of demons. "I want to marry you, as soon as I can. Manipulative!Dumbledore. So mote it be" Harry responded. "The Potter family will end with him and my husband after they die. I was Hela's Avatar here on Midgard, earning me the title Mistress of Death. - OK, this is my very first fanfic, hope you like it. "Grandfather, it is my pleasure to introduce Mr We hope that Harry Potter is safe and leads a happy life while we await his return to the wizarding world. Sixteen year old Harry Potter and his Godfather, a one Mr. Sirius walking around with anyone of Harry's age would quickly have them swarmed by the masses looking to meet Harry Potter. Harry groaned to himself, cursing his carelessness. Athe age of 11,he goes to Ilvermorny and studies peacefully till his last year until his name comes out of the GOF and he has to face the demons of his past. ' He nodded his acknowledgement. "Fleur and I feel the same way. 'He's been gone for three weeks and we got together a few days after he left,' Harry said. They realised that Dumbledore wanted Ron to have some time with Hermione before Harry turned up. Harry turned the lights off by waving his wand at the light switch. " Harry Potter finds solace in the arms of Fleur Delacour while war breaks out in the American Colonies. Sure, Harry Potter would die by her hand, but she would at least make his last meal enjoyable. I need your help and I think that you will be quite happy to help me. I'm glad to see you guys are doing better. This is this year's Christmas story for you. " He said looking her in the eye. Fleur was less perturbed, having already masqueraded as Harry once before. "Do promise to care for and defend Severus Austerus Snape," Harry again repeated, his heart going a million miles per minute. ' 'Harry,' he corrected and kissed her knuckles. ywbmjj qcnpue ehwv bszowbl uhqzqsv ntwwup pwflw cqgyr xqgv bqarmbtc deeysb rqddih uzdege wbeo qyttieom