Fairmont sentinel breaking news Ron Beckius and Rick Behne are councilmen and Tucker Schumann is Mayor. The question received 68. The program will be [] FAIRMONT Monday, Jan. Mayor Lee Baarts said the council would be tasked with [] FAIRMONT— The yard waste recycling site in Fairmont is currently being burned in an attempt to get rid of excess material. Steven R. — An animal [] FAIRMONT – Coming off a successful 2024 season, Fairmont Speech is continuing to hone its craft. 13 with a brand new reason to celebrate. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 900 block of N. 9:25 a. Both faced harassment complaints and both opted to have their hearings done in an open meeting format. The increase in cost stems from the ongoing impact of avian influenza. Ever since Dahmon Gullord started working at Five Lakes Centre Mall as a Radio Shack employee in 2001, he remembers mall walkers. Also convicted of careless driving-operate any vehicle carelessly on street or highway; fined $100. 21 6:55 a. Hamburger Night will be from 6 to 8 p. Along with the full council, Mayor Lee Baarts, Interim City Administrator Jeff [] Fairmont bags gold in Scarlet speech invite FAIRMONT — Twenty-six members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed at the “Scarlet Invitational” Speech Tournament on Saturday, Feb. — Police rendered assistance to the fire department in the 900 block of East 4th Street. 24 1:58 a. 2:48 p. Failure to obey traffic control device — Linette M. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 200 block of West 10th Street. org. — A driving complaint was reported in the 900 block of East 4th Street. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 200 block of North Park Street. 9:31 a. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 1200 block of Lake Avenue, Fairmont. Raffle tickets to win baskets [] FAIRMONT Tuesday, Jan. Per state statute, the council members with complaints against them had the opportunity to hold the FAIRMONT— The Martin County Commissioners spent more than four hours engaged in a work session on the proposed Martin County Justice Center on Wednesday. He was born on July 25, 1955, to Jerome and Marina (Schmiesing) Atkinson. 31 from 5:30 to 8:30 p. tonight at the Lake Belt Bar and Grill in Ceylon. Currently, city crews are removing Ash trees on city boulevards and right-of-ways. FAIRMONT Tuesday, Nov. 26, at Zaharia Funeral Home in Truman. — A suspicious circumstance was reported at 10th Street and North Prairie Avenue. 31 12:26 a. Services will be held at 11 a. He and his wife, Lacy, live in what’s called the Valley so they’ve been surrounded by the recent wildfires, but fortunately not in an evacuation zone. “All of the reports since then are available for review on our website It’s a new year but the discord on the Fairmont City Council remains. A non-traffic citation was issued. 6:45 p. [] FAIRMONT— Without discussion, the Fairmont City Council approved an interim employment agreement between the city of Fairmont and Jeff O’Neil for city administrator services during its meeting on Monday. deadline, some local results, along with some reactions, weren’t included in Wednesday’s paper. 10 The conversation of a new year-round ice facility has emerged as a hot topic in recent years [] FAIRMONT— On Thursday employment at Green Plains in Fairmont ended for roughly 60 employees. FAIRMONT – After 14 years Coaches vs Cancer at FHS Coaches vs Cancer Fundraiser will be held today, Jan. There were 24 teams in attendance and nearly 400 competitors. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 400 block of FAIRMONT— Cass Davis is the newest member on the Fairmont Police Department. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 1300 block of Johnson Street. A judge FAIRMONT Monday, Feb. 11:04 a. D. They have a contract and rulebook that each [] FAIRMONT— Changes to the design, control and cost of the Fairmont Area Community Center were among the top stories of 2023. 17 10:07 a. 7:45 a. Tyler Cowing, an engineer with the city, said that [] Fairmont Speech takes second at Apple Valley FAIRMONT — Sixteen members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed at the Minneapple Speech Tournament on Saturday, Feb. Park and Street Superintendent, Nick Lardy, said that the mild weather so far this winter has been [] FAIRMONT Tuesday, Feb. These programs are free to any senior citizen in Martin County. — Police investigated a fraud/counterfeiting complaint in the 1200 block of Goemann Road. at First Lutheran Church [] Speech team crosses off Wayzata FAIRMONT — 16 members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed at the Wayzata Speech Tournament on Saturday, Jan. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 1100 block of North State Street. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in the 100 block of West Belle Vue Road. Mankato West took [] FAIRMONT Friday, Feb. 12:19 p. 11 9:00 a. However, [] SHERBURN — The Sherburn City Council met on Monday evening and acting Mayor, Brad Ringnell, installed the new council members with an oath of office. To open the meeting, Chief FAIRMONT – Cold spots have come a few times this winter, and the strain this puts on homes and vehicles can create difficult situations. 10:21 a. The meeting was a continuation of the Dec. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 100 block of Scotts Court. Daniel Olson Sentinel Staff Writer dolson@fairmontsentinel. 11:51 a. They joined Wayne Walter and Lon Oelke as a council. Also convicted of having window [] FAIRMONT Friday, Jan. — A driving complaint was reported in the 300 block of East Amber Lake Police. 7:31 [] FAIRMONT—The Fairmont Police Department will release its 2024 annual report this week. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 200 block of West 8th Street. He is looking to help people in Fairmont integrate faith with their finances and the business community succeed in any situation. FAIRMONT— In an effort to provide patients with extra support, some staff at Mayo Clinic in Fairmont have started a new cancer support group that meets in the lobby of the Lutz Local News New city planning committee put on hold FAIRMONT— The city of Fairmont’s new planning committee, which would work on an Energy and Environmental Fairmont Speech speaking up. Visitation will be one hour prior to [] FAIRMONT Friday, November 15 5:13 a. — A driving complaint was reported at State Street and Blue Earth Avenue. 3:11 a. The program is for children ages zero to five and their adult caregiver(s). 11:21 a. 10:16 a. FAIRMONT Wednesday, Feb. What follows are the Sentinel’s top 10 news stories of 2024. Driving after revocation — Dammon D. 2:18 p. 8:01 a. 19 and 20 combined triggered the fog event. A private family burial will be held at a later date in Fairview Memorial Park Cemetery in Fairmont. Sathoff was locally born and raised and received her GED in 2012. Sophomore Leon FAIRMONT—For her work with Healthy Families America (HFA), Truman native Liz Heimer received the Dr. — An animal complaint/bite was reported at Wolf Gang Avenue and East 3rd [] FAIRMONT — A Celebration of Life Service for Dorothy R. 9:57 a. Commissioner Jaime Bleess said the core committee had a meeting about the property on Monday of this week to go over the zoning and agreements between the city of Fairmont and MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Jose F. — Police investigated a harassment complaint in the 200 block of Lake Avenue. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in [] TRUMAN — William James Atkinson, a beloved father, musician, and skilled electrician, passed away peacefully at the age of 69 on Feb. They are joined by Councilmen Brad Ringnell and Sarah Kramer, Clerk Andrea Ballard, and Deputy Clerk Sean Devenn. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 300 block of Forest Police. FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — David J. February 22, 2025. FAIRMONT – Besides minor bumps, Fairmont Schools transportation is following through on expectations. 12 1:07 a. Unlike other current members Grace Simpson and Alayna Haefner who are seniors, Lutterman is a junior. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 900 block of Redwood Drive. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 500 block of South Prairie Avenue. Fairmont took second place in the small-entry sweepstakes. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Display cancelled/stolen/revoked plates — Angelina Marrero Murillo, 35, of Fairmont; fined $385. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 900 block of Budd Street. Varsity Next-In Final Results: Senior Grace Simpson took Second Place in Dramatic The Jaguars made an adjustment on the defensive side increasing the intensity of the press and were able to force more turnovers. FAIRMONT Friday, Jan. , will be held at 11 a. Following that, the December meeting fell through due to lack of [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Maeson L. — Police investigated a weapons complaint in the 100 block of West 9th Street. — A civil complaint was reported in the 300 block of North [] FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council on Monday heard a fairly detailed report on the 2025 Street Improvement Plan. Walton, 21, of Fairmont; fined $135. Instruction permit violation-person 18 years or older-requirement — Cameron A. — Theft (includes attempt) was reported in the 200 block of West Christina Street. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 900 block of FAIRMONT – Cardinals junior guard Brylee Miller has taken the top slot as Fairmont girls basketball’s all-time leading scorer. 8:11 a. — A driving complaint was reported in the 90 block of East I-90 FAIRMONT— The city of Fairmont is looking for community members to join a new planning committee which will help develop an Energy and Environmental Resilience Plan. No. It’s true that eggs are not the only food item to greatly increase as inflation is apparent across the board. The person in question was transported. — An [] FAIRMONT— United Hospital District (UHD) hosted a Lunch and Learn at the Southern Minnesota Educational Campus in Fairmont on Thursday to share information about its surgery services. (AP) — A West Virginia man has been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole in the death of his girlfriend’s 4-year-old son. The circumstance in question was transported. Nowadays, he said there are two common times people come to walk. In his 15 years of living out there, Vetter said [] FAIRMONT – During the cold winter months, some have turned to indoor walking to stay active. Fairmont’s FFA currently has around 50 to 60 active members, with all students enrolled in Ag classes technically being members. Schrunk, 21, of Truman was convicted of speeding; fined $145. As the item was under the consent agenda, no conversation was had. 12:31 p. Funeral services will be held at 1 p. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 700 block of East 2nd [] FAIRMONT— In 2024, the community saw a fair amount of changes and the biggest seemed to be in terms of building projects, closures and personnel. SHERBURN — A Lunch-N-Learn program will be at 11 a. What’s more is that the new technology was developed by local inventor, Mark Gaalswyk, founder and CEO of Easy Automation, Inc. 27 9:09 a. It will be held during the girls’ and boys’ varsity basketball game vs Blue Earth Area. Speeding — Alexander W. Orono took Second Place with 113 points. NewsBreak provides real-time local updates to keep you informed about Play Café brewing at the library Play Café will meet at 10 a. The Fairmont Dance Team will perform during half-time. 3:18 a. The report, compiled by Chief Michael Hunter and staff, details new and departing officers, stats and community involvement. Students who can apply for this scholarship must be in one of two full-time accredited nursing programs: a four-year Bachelor of Science Nursing program or a three-year FAIRMONT Thursday, Jan. FAIRMONT—The Fairmont Police Department will release its 2024 annual report this week. No proof of motor Fairmont Speech claims first Kato Cup FAIRMONT — Twenty-nine members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed at the Mankato East Speech Tournament on Saturday, Feb. 26 8:47 a. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 400 block of North Police. 4:00 p. Senior member Oliver Thedens said there are takeaways from last year they are applying this year. Olson, 16, of Fairmont; fined $125; Fernando T. 5:52 p. She briefly went to school for business [] FAIRMONT Thursday, Jan. North Avenue. Local News. , spoke during open discussion at the Fairmont City Council meeting on Monday regarding the council’s reconsideration of approval on farm lease agreement terms. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 1200 block of Torgerson Drive. Fairmont took First Place in the team sweepstakes with 132 points. 9:35 a. It’s something the department has been putting out annually since 2016. The call was [] FAIRMONT – Bel Lutterman was added as the Fairmont School Board’s third student representative during Tuesday’s board meeting. Adeola, 31, of Saint Paul; fined $145. The proposed project continues to move forward, albeit not on a linear path. Assistance was rendered. WELCOME — Welcome City Council met on Tuesday evening, Feb. To With an All Access subscription to Fairmont Sentinel you can enjoy the entire newspaper from any location, on any device, at any time you wish. St. — Police investigated a civil complaint in the 600 block of East 4th Street. The new members are Tiffany Marlin and Terry Muller and the new mayor is Judith Perkins. 7:29 p. service. The civil issue was resolved. There is no cost to attend and pre-registration is not required for Play Café. 17 meeting. “For southern Minnesota, some places had seen up to 8 inches but generally 3 to 5 inches,” he said. Along with the full board, some county staff, sheriff’s office personnel, Fairmont Police Department members, finance and architect representatives were present. “I think we wanted to match last year and do it better. The award is given by the Minnesota Society for Public Health Education to recognize a nominee’s demonstration of leadership, impact on the health of their community, and innovation and FAIRMONT – Erma Saggau celebrated her 104th birthday on Feb. Diaz, 22, of Fairmont was convicted of open bottle law-drinking an consumption; fined $185. 12:14 p. — A driving [] FAIRMONT— Lakyn Sathoff’s contributions to the community have earned her a spot on this year’s short 4 Under 40 list. ; fined $225. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 1900 block of Knollwood Drive. “We have a few 2012s left,” Hurn said. He said they tend to have a fairly up-to-date fleet. The owner and manager of the Sunnyside Trailer Park in Welcome explained what they are doing to clean up the park. Rosa, 42, of Fairmont was convicted of trespass-occupy or enter locked dwelling or posted building; fined $185, sentenced to jail 90 days, stayed 87 days for one year, credit for time served three days, one year supervised probation, sentence to service eight hours for indeterminate, contact probation officer as directed, restitution reserved for 90 days, FAIRMONT – The fog Fairmont experienced around and after Christmas is set to subside as temperatures decrease. “On the 13th at [] FAIRMONT— As Martin County election results weren’t in until after midnight, close to the Sentinel’s 12:30 a. — A civil complaint was reported in the 300 block of Blinkman Street. 3:09 p. 5 12:04 a. Burial [] The biggest news at Tuesday night’s meeting was that the former City Hall already has a buyer. Fairmont FFA Advisor Andrew Moeller said the relatively new group is continuing to grow. Right now, the council is facing allegations against three of its members: Britney Kawecki, newly elected Councilor-At-Large, Wayne Hasek, newly re-elected Ward 4 representative and Jay Maynard, Ward 1 representative. 7 12:48 p. Miller didn’t know that she was about to break the record until the bus ride to [] FAIRMONT— A second local option sales tax (LOST) in the city of Fairmont failed by a vast majority of votes on Tuesday night. Senior Dominick Lund-May was the Champion in Varsity Impromptu Speaking. FAIRMONT – Coming off a successful 2024 season, Fairmont Speech is continuing to hone its craft. FAIRMONT – Rick Pauly and his pitching clinic returned to town last Saturday looking to help further develop the skills of the young FAIRMONT – In the current political climate, Fairmont’s Human Rights Commission is committed to making Fairmont a welcoming and safe place for everyone. Some homes have been removed already. 4:25 p. 18, 2025. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 400 block of Victoria Street. 18. 10:52 a. 10:50 a. This time, his goal is to put the city in the best position possible to be considered an attractive place for a future city administrator. Several surgeons and other staff were present to introduce themselves and talk about not only the procedures they do, but prevention measures that people can take in some CEYLON — Harry Potter Trivia Night begins at 7:30 p. — A civil complaint was reported in the 800 block of East 2nd Street. The complaints against the councilors include harassment and undue FAIRMONT – Across Martin County, FFA groups have been celebrating FFA Week. 24 6:27 a. Crest appreciates a free-will donation for the lunch. 7:27 p. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 200 block of Willow Street. A written warning was issued. — Police investigated a fraud/counterfeiting complaint in the 600 block of East 2nd Street. LOG IN at right to read a digital version of the FAIRMONT, W. After snow last week, below-zero temperatures have again reared their ugly head. FAIRMONT— The Fairmont Charter Commission met after a three month break on Tuesday evening and spent a good amount of time talking about the city’s purchasing policy. — A driving complaint was reported at State Street and [] FAIRMONT— Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has continued to be something the city of Fairmont is combating since it was first detected in city limits in 2022. 20 9:09 a. Bushman, 101, of Fairmont, Minn. FAIRMONT— While egg prices have been fluctuating over recent years, they’re expected to hit their highest amount, and stay high, in 2025. 12:54 p. 10:19 a. 4 3:39 a. Work on the plan will be facilitated by city staff and a representative of Region Nine, which has provided a $12,250 grant to fund the planning process. It’s something the department has been putting out annually ABOVE: Martin County West’s Lucas Larson drives the baseline after a screen by teammate Kane Sharp in a nonconference game against New Ulm Cathedral on Saturday in Sherburn. — A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 1000 block of Pheasant Avenue. m. tonight, at the Sherburn Legion. It was founded in 1874 and is currently owned by Ogden Stay updated with the latest Fairmont, MN local news, politics, sports, lifestyle, education, real estate, and more. Burning started on Feb. Vasquez Cardona, 19, of Sioux Falls, S. — Police investigated a threats complaint in the 300 block of [] The property is known as the “Siems Site” and covers Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, known as George Loewenberg Addition in the city of Fairmont. A non-traffic citation was [] FAIRMONT – Lakes, roads and homes are all starting to feel the effects of winter. — Police investigated a fraud/counterfeiting complaint in the 500 block of South Grant [] FAIRMONT Tuesday, Feb. They have two or three more homes to remove. 12:43 p. March 1, at the Lakeview Funeral Home in Fairmont. Paul Lutheran Church, 211 Budd Street, Fairmont with visitation beginning at 9:30 a. — A suspicious person was reported in the 1200 block of South Highway 15. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 1200 block of Victoria Street. Miller surpassed predecessor Ashley Alleven-Stensland’s prior record of 1,307 points during Fairmont’s 65-40 win over Redwood Valley on Feb. Manager Dave Hurn said currently they have 26 school buses. Heat and water are both commonly affected by the stress intense cold puts on their systems. — A civil complaint was reported in the 1100 block of North State Street. There is really just one project slated for this year, but it’s a big one as Lake Avenue from Bixby Road to Fairlakes Avenue will be completely reconstructed. “We’re hoping to match that with our team energy,” he said. The council made the following appointments [] FAIRMONT Thursday, Feb. The half-cent sales tax would fund phase II of an ongoing project which includes building a new ice arena connected to the community center. The call was cleared. A verbal warning was issued. National Weather Service Meteorologist Brennan Dettmann said the snowfall on Dec. The program honors up and coming leaders in Martin County and is done through Scouting America. Hoover, 42, of Mountain Lake; fined $125. 7:34 a. 10:54 p. For heat, Day [] FAIRMONT Friday, Jan. Fairmont Public Schools transportation contract is with Minnesota Motor Bus (MMB). 6:20 a. [] 3:56 p. Sundblad, 56, of Fairmont; fined $135. 2:16 p. 4:57 p. The Circle of Faith services are at 9 a. 16 1:38 a. — An animal complaint/bite was reported at Highway 15 and Hall Street. 18 3:01 a. 10 Fairmont’s Fareway’s remodeled and expanded bakery made the [] Fairmont Speech has success at weekend tournaments FAIRMONT — On Saturday, March 2, the Fairmont Speech Team competed at the Shakopee Speech Tournament hosted by Shakopee High School and the MCW Speech Tournament hosted by MCW High School in Sherburn. 6:37 a. 8:03 a. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 800 block of Fairlakes Avenue. 30 4:33 a. on Tuesday, March 4 at the Martin County Library in Fairmont. Fairmont’s Community [] FAIRMONT Monday, Feb. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 300 block of East 10th Street. 2:28 p. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in the 800 block of North Elm Street. FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding in special zone set by Commissioners — Kelsey R. — A driving complaint was reported in the 2100 block of North State Street. Jan 29, 2025. Gaalswyk founded Easy Automation, which provides ag software and automation to coops and feed mills FAIRMONT— Josh Vetter has been living in Los Angeles ever since he graduated from Fairmont High School in 2009. Davis, a Blue Earth native, began his role with the department in late January. 3:08 a. IHD committee member, Marlys Brummond, who is one of just seven, gave a brief outline of the events planned. today followed by a lunch at the First Lutheran Church in Trimont. Saggau’s great-granddaughter Rachael Bender recently gave birth to a baby girl, named Miriam Bender. Brooks, 71, of Bricelyn; fined $135; Phillip A. in Welcome. Green Plains is a leading ag technology using innovative processes to transform annually renewable crops into sustainable, high value ingredients. — Theft (includes attempt) was reported in the 1400 block of East Blue Earth Avenue. With that comes new hazards people need to watch out for. Driving after revocation — Ryan D. Fairmont took First Place in the team sweepstakes with 106 points. “We were restarted again by former teacher Amber Seifert [] FAIRMONT Tuesday, Feb. The buyer is Faribault County, it was revealed at the FAIRMONT— Several members of the community, including some from the Fairmont Lakes Foundation, Inc. 13 7:23 a. Fairmont Police Sergeant Michael Beletti said his department sees an uptick FAIRMONT Monday, Jan. Peter Lutheran Church will have its Annual Meeting after its 10 a. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 500 block of Home Police. FAIRMONT Thursday, Jan. Senior member Pauly Girl Fastpitch returns to Fairmont. — A suspicious person was reported in the 1200 block of North State Street. Those wishing to view the service may do so at www. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 700 block of South State Police. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 700 block of Victoria Street. 6. — Police rendered assistance to the fire department in the 200 block of Downtown Plaza. 3:56 p. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 900 block of MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Maria D. — A disabled/abandoned motor vehicle was reported at State Street and Interstate 90. FAIRMONT Friday, Feb. What follows are the Sentinel’s top 10 local stories of 2023. The charter commission had recommended several changes to the city council during its last meeting in November. at Trinity Church in Welcome and 10 a. — Theft [] FAIRMONT Tuesday, October 29 12:52 p. 10 and is expected to continue through this week. Area School Board results: Martin County West School District had a contested race with nine people running for four open seats. Memorials [] Benjamin J. — Police investigated a fraud/counterfeiting complaint in the 200 block of Fairview Avenue. 25, in Plymouth, Minn. Public Works Director, Matthew York, said that it’s been a couple of years since the city has last done a burn. “We started competing at the end of January and had two FAIRMONT— Jeff O’Neill is back for his second tour as Fairmont’s interim city administrator. 18, Administrator Matt Skaret [] FAIRMONT Tuesday, Jan. The cost of the land is $556,000. The council learned that there is a purchase agreement for the building, which includes the City Hall offices, the bays of the former fire hall and the office currently used by the Blue Earth Area Mentors (BEAM) group. Locally, it’s had a plant at 1125 Bixby Road since 2014 when it bought out another plant which had been idle [] FAIRMONT— On Wednesday there was a hearing on allegations against Fairmont City Council Members Wayne Hasek and Jay Maynard, which was a continuation of a Dec. There were more than 40 schools in attendance with nearly 1,000 students competing. splfairmont. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 200 block of East 11th Street. 17, 2024 special city council meeting. 01 percent or 3,395 no [] FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council held a special meeting on Tuesday afternoon to discuss allegations against three individual council members. At the last regular Fairmont City Council meeting on Nov. — Police rendered assistance to the fire department in the 600 block of Summit Drive. The increased opportunities gave the Jaguars a chance to get the offense going, which the team took advantage of CEYLON — The Ceylon City Council met on Tuesday evening and the new council members had been sworn in at a previous time. ; fined $185. 6 5:16 a. — An animal The Sentinel is an American, English language daily newspaper headquartered in Fairmont, Martin County, Minnesota. — Police investigated a harassment complaint in the 2200 block of North Police. [] FAIRMONT Thursday, Feb. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 1000 block of East 1st Street. — Theft (includes [] FAIRMONT Thursday, Feb. on Feb. She will be on the board for the rest of the school year, with the offer open to stay on her [] FAIRMONT Friday, March 8 8:55 a. at the Fairmont High School gymnasium. The council members with complaints against them are Britney Kawecki, Wayne Hasek and Jay Maynard. on Saturday, March 1, at St. Shakopee Speech Tournament Results: Fairmont was 12th place as a DISTRICT COURT. After Saggau’s birthday, she met her great-great-granddaughter, and the whole family took a photo of all five generations represented in one photo. com. 23 11:42 a. Dak. Vandeer, 23, of Kiester; fined $125. Va. — A disabled/abandoned motor vehicle was reported at Torgerson Drive and State Street. Nailon, 43, of Wells; fined $285. Mekosch, 25, of Winnebago; . — Theft (includes attempt) from a motor vehicle was reported in the Police. “It’s really busy in the [] FAIRMONT — Carolyn Ann (Wedel) Seidel, 79, of Fairmont sadly left our world on Feb. 22 at Mankato East High School in Mankato, Minn. FCH nursing scholarships open FAIRMONT – Fairmont Community Hospital Foundation has announced that 2025 Erma Rosen Nursing Scholarship applications are being accepted. Paz Salmero, 32, of Sioux Falls, S. 21, 2025. — A driving complaint was reported in the 900 block of East Blue [] FAIRMONT Thursday, Feb. Davis graduated from Blue Earth in 2023 and following that he went FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council on Monday heard a request for funding support for the annual Interlaken Heritage Days (IHD) festival, which will be held on June 13 and 14 this year. — A driving complaint was reported at Albion Avenue and Willow Street. Fairmont PD puts out annual report February 25, 2025 - Local News. Her [] FAIRMONT—A new prototype has been developed to nearly instantly clean up lakes and other bodies of water. ABOVE: Dan Hamlet, founder of 360 Integrated Financial, stands outside his office located at 1017 Hwy 15 S in Fairmont. 20 12:16 a. 9:06 a. 28 9:42 a. 17 3:32 a. 15 at Mankato West High School in Mankato. Judith Luebke Award for Public Health Educator of the Year. FAIRMONT Tuesday, Feb. “For the most [] FAIRMONT— The Fairmont Speech team has had another prosperous beginning, taking first place at four of the five meets it’s attended so far this season. 10:41 a. 11:35 a. 1 in Apple Valley, Minn. FAIRMONT— A special city council meeting was held on Wednesday to go over the allegations against Fairmont City Council Member Britney Kawecki, an individual subject to City Council’s authority. ” [] FAIRMONT Monday, September 23 6:29 a. — Criminal damage to property was reported in the 1100 block of South State Street. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 1400 block of North State Street. Specifically, the comments made were in regards to water quality in the chain of lakes. SHERBURN – Despite its physical squad, New Ulm Cathedral couldn’t slow the attack of Martin County West on Saturday as FAIRMONT Wednesday, May 22 8:23 a. No Minnesota driver’s license — Roldan C. “There’s many projects going on right now and a rough spot to get over,” O’Neill said. Johnson, 45, of Albert Lea; fined $285. rzckf iweqpq hysvqq cgqnk xwmoim vnzmwt jkmh ewgsw lhpn jgvu vsitl tnxve yrlw qwsegsc vtma